My cough is slacking off now. I can actually GET through a WHOLE conversation without sounding like I am about to DIE because I'm going to cough up my lungs.
I kept the Kids home from school today because they were running temperatures last night. ( Tommy was 100 while Sophia hit 102.) I gave EACH medicine and there both feeling MUCH better today.
I will be turning in some applications to work in the next 2 - 3 days. so wish me LUCK with them. ( I have GOT to get SOMETHING GOING FAST. I I cant even say I'm living paycheck to paycheck.. I have too little money for that.
so.. tell me a funny story. something TRUE that has happened to YOU.
Aww come on don't be shy... were all friends here.
Sending Love, hugs, and kisses to each of you. ( unless your a GUY.. then you get a high-five and a beer ( if your lucky) I might have a beer left in the fridge,, or not... go look.
* E D I T * * E D I T * * E D I T * * E D I T * * E D I T *
aleksa said:
Lucky17 said:
aleksa said:
mohawk_junkie said:
i spent three hours with her today and i dig her...but all my friends say no..whats a girl to do?
I think mohawk_junkie should go with her gut feeling.
All my friends told me to dump my chick and I went with my gut and wasted four years of my life. My friends were right!
I, on the other hand, listened to my friends. And wasted a year of my life.
I too went with MY gut.. and nearly 7 years later.. we are getting Divorced.
altho to be HONEST my friends were all good with my gut decision too.
sooo now where does that leave you? hmmmm?
( it leaves ME with two BEAUTIFUL children. that I DONT get to tuck in every night, an EX that left ME for a guy she met on WoW. and he is the NEW man of the house.
( and to make this even BETER? ( well depending on YOUR point of VIEW.) THIS MAN............ HE IS a VERY nice man. ( I HAVE TO GIVE CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE. ) He treats my children and MYSELF with all due respect and HONOR. They have a nice life going for them. I am sure they will be happy together. ( and I AM happy for them. )
I however am stuck spinning my wheels scrambling to find a JOB. ( as SOME of you KNOW I was a stay at home dad... until VERY recently.
Sometimes I feel like I am on the outside looking in. BUT I DO get to see my children whenever I want too.... I DO get to have my children WHENEVER I want too.
so its not THAT bad.......
It's I just NEVER pictured myself..... doing THIS at nearly 40. ....In the middle of a divorce, Struggling to FIND a JOB. Being terrified that I will end up at some fast food place and have them come through the drive through.. and my having to ask them.. Y'All want Fries with that? ( now PLEASE don't HATE on me for that last KNOW what I mean here.)
I never thought being alone nearly every night would bother me like it does. The one thing I TRULY miss?
Having someone to snuggle up too each and every night. I really miss that.
Dammit.. I hate being alone.........I TRULY HATE not having someone to hold onto at night. having someone to hold ME at night. that is when its the WORST.. late at night.. that's when I feel .... the MOST alone.....