So I don't really have much to say. I've been neglecting this site something terrible here lately. I just don't have the time, and when I do, I don't have the patience to deal with my shitty dial up connection. It's a fucking pain in the ass because my computer is fast enough that it will time out the operation while my dial up is trying to load. Lame.
Phedre was up to visit for the last three weeks. I t was so good to see her again, I spent so much time with her. I'd gotten used to her being gone since she moved and I knew there wasn't really anything I could do about it. I still missed her, but I had finally gotten used to it. Now I have to get used to my best friend being gone again. My Boy doesn't understand why I'm so upset because she and I still talk a lot. I told him that it's different on the phone than in person...and he'll never understand anyway because he's never had a best friend move away. He gets to go see his best friend whenever he wants to.
So that sucks, all I can think about is how much fun we had and how much everything was just like it was before she left. We grt so stupid when we're together, it's awesome. I have never laughed as much with someone as I do when I'm with her. *sigh* The shitty thing is that I can't afford to go see her...
On the upside, I'm almost done with school. It won't be much longer. I've got two more Mondays at my University classes, and from there I've just got to get through May at my Tech. classes. I'm on the final stretch, thank gods. I've had it with this shit. Hopefully after that, I'll be able to find a job around KC and get the fuck out of here.
Update: Here are some pictures of me and Phedre being sluts our kitty skins.

Phedre was up to visit for the last three weeks. I t was so good to see her again, I spent so much time with her. I'd gotten used to her being gone since she moved and I knew there wasn't really anything I could do about it. I still missed her, but I had finally gotten used to it. Now I have to get used to my best friend being gone again. My Boy doesn't understand why I'm so upset because she and I still talk a lot. I told him that it's different on the phone than in person...and he'll never understand anyway because he's never had a best friend move away. He gets to go see his best friend whenever he wants to.
So that sucks, all I can think about is how much fun we had and how much everything was just like it was before she left. We grt so stupid when we're together, it's awesome. I have never laughed as much with someone as I do when I'm with her. *sigh* The shitty thing is that I can't afford to go see her...
On the upside, I'm almost done with school. It won't be much longer. I've got two more Mondays at my University classes, and from there I've just got to get through May at my Tech. classes. I'm on the final stretch, thank gods. I've had it with this shit. Hopefully after that, I'll be able to find a job around KC and get the fuck out of here.
Update: Here are some pictures of me and Phedre being sluts our kitty skins.

You've got great taste in movies and books.

Hey woman, I'm don't even have me in your fav SGs...