*clutches ear in pain* I've been cleaning it daily, as well as the earring that's in it...nothing is helping. I'm getting ready to go to the doctor to get some kind of a drug for this. It's awful. It's really itchy too, which would lead one to believe that it's healing. But it's not.
Texas is sending in my new set as we speak...hope they take it. Which reminds me, I need to e-mail Missy. I'll do that now before I forget what I wanted to tell her. Hopefully there will be a new girl around here soon...by the name of... I'm not telling you my name yet!

Hope that all of you are well, and I will talk to you soon, hopefully with good news! I think it will be...
You're not gonna forget about the little people when you get all big and famous, right?
Oh, and sorry about not calling you back the other day. By the time we got home and got done eating dinner, it was past 10pm. I just wanted to crash at that point.
Hope everything with the ear clears up, and good luck with the set!