I feel like a new woman right now. It hurt in places...a lot of those lines had to be taken in one shot and it got a little nasty in a couple of places. But oh my god. I just lost myself in the pain, in the buzz of the gun...I don't understand people who don't understand that this is an artform, an outlet, and a way of healing. I'm feeling pretty euphoric, pretty serene right now. Oh I needed this. I needed this so badly.
The lines are real clean and they should heal pretty quickly. I've got copies of the stencil art so that I can play around with some color ideas. It's gonna be a couple of weeks at least before I can even go talk to him about color because he doesn't want to do it until my lines are completely healed, which makes sense and is fine with me. That gives me time to figure out exactly what I want to happen with the color...
...and I'm sick of rain and being cold all the time. It's starting to get on my nerves that I can't get this fucking chill out of my bones. That's the kind of shit you deal with in the middle of goddamned December, not the end of April.

Dude that looks so good! Sorry I couldn't make it to take pictures, I had class. Hope you have a good weekend!
Where have you been, you beautiful zombie you?