Bleh. Things lately have been...typical, I suppose. Pretty much just work and sleep, maybe a little partying in there, but not too much really.
The lines for the chest piece healed up nicely. I haven't even gone in and talked to my artist about the color work. I'm not in the financial means to worry about that right now, because if I find out how...
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The lines for the chest piece healed up nicely. I haven't even gone in and talked to my artist about the color work. I'm not in the financial means to worry about that right now, because if I find out how...
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Dude that looks so good! Sorry I couldn't make it to take pictures, I had class. Hope you have a good weekend!
Where have you been, you beautiful zombie you?

Ok, so it's time for a journal a little less...devastatingly disappointed. On that front, I'm pretty ok. I kind of want him to feel bad for what he's done, but I'm surely not going to condescend to tell him a damn thing about the way that I feel. If I were left with the impression that he wanted to know, that would be one thing,...
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My phone got destroyed a while back and I bought one just like it on ebay for like $20. Took it in and they were able to reprogram it with all the stuff from my broken phone, so that's something to consider. Dropping it probably didn't destroy the memory, just made it not work.
I'm so excited to see your chest! Wait, that's not what I mean- I mean chest piece. Not that your chest isn't lovely; it is.
I really hope it turns out great, and you're able to get it finished soon. You're right, it's not about money sometimes.
I'm so excited to see your chest! Wait, that's not what I mean- I mean chest piece. Not that your chest isn't lovely; it is.

Zombie Day. What a befitting title for this day. Why? Because I have to go spend time with my family, whom, for all practical and intensive purposes, may as well be zombies to me. They don't care. I don't know exactly when my aunts, uncles, and cousins showed up. And I'm not really sure when they left either. Because about the time I graduated college...
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My ear cured itself! It was fine the next morning. Strange, I've never had that feeling before, like stuff was just rattling around in my head. No, I guess I feel like that all the time, but it never gets that close to my ear.
I can last 6-10 minutes, but then I have to cut foreplay in half. It's all about trade-offs. Seriously though, I was surprised by those stats, either most people are just really bad (or too busy to do it right), or (gak!) the internet lied to me.
So far most girls' index and ring fingers are right about the same. I'll keep asking people. I'm strangely intrigued.
What's with your girl, she hasn't been around much lately.
I can last 6-10 minutes, but then I have to cut foreplay in half. It's all about trade-offs. Seriously though, I was surprised by those stats, either most people are just really bad (or too busy to do it right), or (gak!) the internet lied to me.
So far most girls' index and ring fingers are right about the same. I'll keep asking people. I'm strangely intrigued.
What's with your girl, she hasn't been around much lately.
We must play drunk Operation soon!
So I don't really have much to say. I've been neglecting this site something terrible here lately. I just don't have the time, and when I do, I don't have the patience to deal with my shitty dial up connection. It's a fucking pain in the ass because my computer is fast enough that it will time out the operation while my dial up is...
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You've got great taste in movies and books.

Hey woman, I'm don't even have me in your fav SGs...

I miss this place.
Phedre's gonna be in town here in a couple of days...I'll be shooting at least one new set to submit and have about 3 others in mind.
To those of you who I used to check on regularly(before school consumed my entire life)-I miss you all, I hope you are all doing well.
And to Texas-
My heart breaks for you...
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Phedre's gonna be in town here in a couple of days...I'll be shooting at least one new set to submit and have about 3 others in mind.

To those of you who I used to check on regularly(before school consumed my entire life)-I miss you all, I hope you are all doing well.
And to Texas-
My heart breaks for you...
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I'm suprised that your not an SG yet! You look soooo pretty in that pic of you wearing your glasses!
I don't even think you need to submit another set. Just send in that one

you should come for a weekend visit. if you and phedre can make it out, you have a place to crash 

*sigh* I am so busy with my classes. I feel like I hit the ground running to catch up before the semester even started. I guess I'm doing ok, but I'm just so exhausted. I have my first comp paper due Monday, my first Psych paper due Tuesday, and a Corporate Identity package also due on Tuesday. Beyond that, I have some backwork from one...
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glad you are back. hope your classes go well.

I'm back, with much thanks to Trevor. So.. since I've been gone for forever, I have to start rebuilding my friends list and whatnot. I came back to see that most of my friends list was depleted...
But it's good to be back and I will be changing my member picture, as during the time that I've been gone, I have grown to hate...
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But it's good to be back and I will be changing my member picture, as during the time that I've been gone, I have grown to hate...
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YAY!!!! YOU ARE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've been gone from the site for too long now. I actually thought my account had expired, but I guess I was just gimping my password or something.
I feel bad not being able to be around here that much, but I've been busting my ass in school and trying to find new work.
I'll be shooting a few new sets here before too long....
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I feel bad not being able to be around here that much, but I've been busting my ass in school and trying to find new work.
I'll be shooting a few new sets here before too long....
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Welcome back. 

Good to see you're back.

Ok, I'm asking you guys for some help here. I have a project for school where I have to make a photo collage in Photoshop using Masks and other shit. I decided that my theme is going to be something along the lines of "punk". I haven;t fully developed the idea,,,I just got the assignment today. I'm still working on the idea.
But I need...
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But I need...
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You are such a sweetheart. I keep tryingto answer your email and my fucking aol deleted it! I am so flattered you think so highly of made me
like fucking crazy. I think you're absolutely gorgeous and such a great person!! 

I just wanted to say that your recent post in the SM group was really beautiful and so, so sweet. The world needs more people like you
I just wanted to say that your recent post in the SM group was really beautiful and so, so sweet. The world needs more people like you
That hair Kicks ass and Black Cherry jello. Right on..

getting hot just from backrubs? man. u would be in trouble around me....

For those of you who pay attention to me/this journal/the things that I'm up to, I'll be back later today or tomorrow to load up some pictures for you to see. I've got a new (rockin') dye job, the new tat is healed, and I'm a pervert and want you all to see my nipple rings. I also have a picture of my cat holding...
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How've you been kiddo? I've been so busy lately, I don't hardly ever jump on AIM. Glad to hear your tat has healed up nicely. I'll talk to ya later, kay?

How've you been kiddo? I've been so busy lately, I don't hardly ever jump on AIM. Glad to hear your tat has healed up nicely. I'll talk to ya later, kay?
Yes I do remember you, how's it going ??
Save little bits here and there, and you'll have enough to go back for some shading soon, I bet. But no hurry. You're chest isn't going anywhere without you.