Since I had my operation a few months back, I've decided to make some changes in my life. I have been offered to take severance pay from my employers, due to medical reasons preventing me doing my old job. I'm not particularly bothered, because I hate the stinking job. At the moment I'm receiving incapacity benefit, because my employers no longer pay me except my national insurance contribution, so here's what I'm going to do. When I'm feeling better, hopefully soon, I'm going to take advantage of the social security's offer of job retraining. I'm very tempted with my employers offer of 16,000 severance pay. If I take the money, I can pay off my bank loan, plus the money will come in handy because my wife and I are ready to start a family after 10 years of marriage.
We're talking about having kids after my visit to hospital last week. I was sent by my GP after discovering a huge lump in my left testicle. After many I was relieved it wasn't cancer, but my wife and I was asked by the urologist if we had any children, if not are we trying for some. The questions were embarrassing but necessary. If we wanted kids, I was advised to leave the lump as it is, because any operation could possibly make me infertile.
( I may be infertile for all I know. With all the sex we had in 10 years we haven't any kids yet.
lol . )
I'm due to go back to hospital again in September, so I have some time to think about it. If we decide to have kids, my wife's employers are excellent when it comes to maternity leave, so we don't need to worry on the financial front, as our outgoing are very good.
Apart from my stinking health, life is pretty good.
We're talking about having kids after my visit to hospital last week. I was sent by my GP after discovering a huge lump in my left testicle. After many I was relieved it wasn't cancer, but my wife and I was asked by the urologist if we had any children, if not are we trying for some. The questions were embarrassing but necessary. If we wanted kids, I was advised to leave the lump as it is, because any operation could possibly make me infertile.
( I may be infertile for all I know. With all the sex we had in 10 years we haven't any kids yet.

I'm due to go back to hospital again in September, so I have some time to think about it. If we decide to have kids, my wife's employers are excellent when it comes to maternity leave, so we don't need to worry on the financial front, as our outgoing are very good.
Apart from my stinking health, life is pretty good.

I hope these changes were positive for you