DOGE really needs to get after the post office. An item I ordered from China landed in Chicago. Then the post office sent it to a distribution center in Ohio. I live in central Wisconsin. For those that aren't good with geography, that's the wrong direction. It took 5 days to get there. God only knows how long it will sit in Ohio. Then the...
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I was thinking about this and thought it would be an interesting topic for people's opinions. Shauna Rae had a show on TLC that was about her life with pituitary dwarfism (she looks younger than her age, 25). From the get-go, I noticed people gatekeeping her because of her appearance and it hasn't gotten any better. In a recent podcast, she said that she hides...
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LeoCAD is a ton of fun. This is a space ship from 1980 (set 6970) with a custom color scheme for a friend's son. He's just getting into Legos and I have plenty of my own designs still in my head from my childhood.

...Yet I can't remember why I went into the other room. Seriously, WTF is with that?

I spent several hours making a mixtape (actual cassette) for an old friend containing songs from her youth. I also created a separate MP3 mix of the dance mixes from that same era.

I kind of want to put together bullshit videos, consisting of different clips to tell a story that didn't happen, using a generic AI voice. That seems to be the rage on Facebook these days.
"This woman found a cat frozen to the sidewalk" (video of black cat on street). "She brought it home and warmed it up" (obviously different black cat). "The cat decided...
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Just after 11pm central time, I sent a video message to a friend in the eastern time zone (they are an hour ahead, for those who don't know our time zones). The scene from Paul where they're hopping over the mountain time zone line came to mind and I said "It's like I'm sending you a message from the past."


I wanted to make sure this media server I'm building has enough storage, so I counted all the discs that need to be ripped. I have 600. That'll take a while. On the upside, I do have plenty of disk space for them. ...unless I screwed up the math. I do have a couple learning disabilities (special ed students unite!) and math is one of...
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I built a media server, just to see if I could do it. I have no experience in such things and it was frustrating at times. Fortunately I still have my hair, so there was some to pull out while building this thing. It is up and running and only a couple tasks remain. I need to configure it so family and friends can stream...
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