Eating Tide Pods is officially out. Now the trend is eating...brace yourself.... packing peanuts! WTF is wrong with people. If you want to eat bad shit, have fast food like normal people.

I haven't had this since I was a kid. It looks almost the same. While it is firm when you start chewing, it's not the Bazoocrete* we GenXers remember. The flavor lasts about as long as Double Bubble, which is still 4 times as long as Fruit Stripe gum (which is about as long as Chiclets). Juicyfruit lasted somewhere in-between them.
If you wanted long...
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It's a damn good thing I happen to have an 80s vintage phone sitting on my desk because Samsung tech support chat just fucked up my cell phone and now I have to call a different Samsung support line for more detailed help.

According to Grok, I have a much better chance of fucking a supermodel than I do winning Powerball. So I've got that going for me. 😎

I have a bunch of hobbies because I learn about something and want to try it. I kind of cycle through them. One hobby I did all the time, for the better part of 30 years is photography. When I'd go out on the weekends, I usually had a camera bag with me and a couple cameras. However, I haven't done much since 2022. I...
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DOGE really needs to get after the post office. An item I ordered from China landed in Chicago. Then the post office sent it to a distribution center in Ohio. I live in central Wisconsin. For those that aren't good with geography, that's the wrong direction. It took 5 days to get there. God only knows how long it will sit in Ohio. Then the...
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I was thinking about this and thought it would be an interesting topic for people's opinions. Shauna Rae had a show on TLC that was about her life with pituitary dwarfism (she looks younger than her age, 25). From the get-go, I noticed people gatekeeping her because of her appearance and it hasn't gotten any better. In a recent podcast, she said that she hides...
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LeoCAD is a ton of fun. This is a space ship from 1980 (set 6970) with a custom color scheme for a friend's son. He's just getting into Legos and I have plenty of my own designs still in my head from my childhood.

...Yet I can't remember why I went into the other room. Seriously, WTF is with that?