What a blah fucking day. April showers bring May flowers....I get that. However, June showers? They just bring bouts of extreme rage. Luckily, friends are always there to pull you through.
Woke up to some confusing and not so great news via email. The drama ensues no matter what you do... The only thing I can do is offer the best and most fair advice I can and try not to get caught up in taking sides and being a cliquey douche. End of story.
Thank God/dess for Sauda. Spent some time at her place to day and we chilled with the baby, bitched, theorized and laughed.
Unfortunately I had to take a break from that to go back to my real house (I never spend any time there, I stay with the boy most of the time). My landlord has begun showing my apartment without notifying me. She told my roommate, who I never see, and neither of them let me know. So I only found out it was being shown after she'd already started (not through my roommate, mind you, through our mutual friend). Then she complained that the place wasn't immaculate when she showed it. Well maybe if I had known ahead of time, I could have cleaned up. She didn't even tell my roommate until the afternoon before, anyway, and that's totally not enough notice! So I found out just yesterday that she was showing the place again today. She actually had the nerve to call my roommate (and again, NOT me) and tell him that we needed to do serious cleaning because the last prospective renter she brought apparently got "stress pains" from being in our apartment. Not sure what that's even supposed to mean, but the fact of the matter is that if she wants to show the apartment, it would do everyone (that is her, us, and the prospective renters) a world of good if she gave us a reasonable amount of notice. So I ran home and moved some shit around and bolted out of there as fast as I could. So much bad energy in that place. Its a waste of money. Enough complaining about that shit. I'm really trying to focus on the positive in life, I swear!
After that, Anata and I jetted back to his place (by the by he lives two doors down from Sauda. Small ass world, right?) and then Sauda, her spawn and I went out for an obscenely large (albeit well deserved) dinner. Barbecue motherfucking madness. Thank goodness for my amazing friends.
Now, here I sit dicking around online and watchingg back to back episodes of Frasier. I need to get horizontal soon and go the fuck to sleep.
Woke up to some confusing and not so great news via email. The drama ensues no matter what you do... The only thing I can do is offer the best and most fair advice I can and try not to get caught up in taking sides and being a cliquey douche. End of story.
Thank God/dess for Sauda. Spent some time at her place to day and we chilled with the baby, bitched, theorized and laughed.
Unfortunately I had to take a break from that to go back to my real house (I never spend any time there, I stay with the boy most of the time). My landlord has begun showing my apartment without notifying me. She told my roommate, who I never see, and neither of them let me know. So I only found out it was being shown after she'd already started (not through my roommate, mind you, through our mutual friend). Then she complained that the place wasn't immaculate when she showed it. Well maybe if I had known ahead of time, I could have cleaned up. She didn't even tell my roommate until the afternoon before, anyway, and that's totally not enough notice! So I found out just yesterday that she was showing the place again today. She actually had the nerve to call my roommate (and again, NOT me) and tell him that we needed to do serious cleaning because the last prospective renter she brought apparently got "stress pains" from being in our apartment. Not sure what that's even supposed to mean, but the fact of the matter is that if she wants to show the apartment, it would do everyone (that is her, us, and the prospective renters) a world of good if she gave us a reasonable amount of notice. So I ran home and moved some shit around and bolted out of there as fast as I could. So much bad energy in that place. Its a waste of money. Enough complaining about that shit. I'm really trying to focus on the positive in life, I swear!
After that, Anata and I jetted back to his place (by the by he lives two doors down from Sauda. Small ass world, right?) and then Sauda, her spawn and I went out for an obscenely large (albeit well deserved) dinner. Barbecue motherfucking madness. Thank goodness for my amazing friends.

Now, here I sit dicking around online and watchingg back to back episodes of Frasier. I need to get horizontal soon and go the fuck to sleep.
Hang in there! Bbq and boobies can make anything better.
Sounds like it'll be nice for you to be out of that place.
Friends really do make everything better.