So - some general ramblings about this theatre company. Though we have yet to solidify our mission statement in specific terms, I believe we know exactly what we want. This much has been laid down. We are The Right Brain Project. We seek to challenge our audience as we do ourselves in our choice of material. We will strive to confine our choices of material to pieces that are politically and/or socially relevant and speak of the human condition. We strive to encourage discussion, and hopefully action. We seek to offer alternative perspectives and we will not confine ourselves to the art of theatre alone. We will draw on styles and mediums that came before us, and not be afraid to attempt the new. Thus the name Right Brain PROJECT. It is more encompasing of what we strive to do than the medium of how we do it. We will be smart in the knowledge of our audience and strive to expand that audience. We will be smart in advertising, and smart in choosing pieces that suit the space. This, of course, will limit us, but I believe material exists that fit this criteria. We will not confine ourselves to published work - hopefully it will be an even mix of new and old works. Ideally, the subject matter and the work itself will speak to us more so than the particulars. This about covers it all. Now, we have an original work under our belt already, but what to do next?? Hmmm...
Hmm well, I do a lot of table top roleplaying, as well as computer and console systems, right now I'm mostly playing Star Wars Galaxies, Battlefield vietnam and far as the table top stuff goes, hmm anything from D&D to Call of Cathulu
Arn't the ladies already standing in line?