So I know I've been bitching on and on about not having a steady job, and being poor, and being recently single a lot. Unfortunately, this may not end any time soon.
But you know what?? I have the greatest friends in the fucking world. I really do. I think they are bound and determined not to see my ship sink. My roomate bought me...
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But you know what?? I have the greatest friends in the fucking world. I really do. I think they are bound and determined not to see my ship sink. My roomate bought me...
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!!!!! You lefted me a testimonial... *beams brightly*
My turn.
My turn.
*smiles brighty* Yes, I have the book... two copies actually.. one is the recent printing. (Barnes and Noble bought the rights to the book.) and one is th orginal print.. first edition or second edition I don't remember.. it also has Brian Froud's name mispelled in it... either days Brain Froud or Brian Frod I don't remember which.
The festival is in Oregon, my roomie and I are going to go.. I'm so excited I coudl wet myself... well maybe not THAT excited.
[Edited on Jul 20, 2004 11:15AM]
The festival is in Oregon, my roomie and I are going to go.. I'm so excited I coudl wet myself... well maybe not THAT excited.

[Edited on Jul 20, 2004 11:15AM]
Why is it that I rarely remember my dreams, but when I do, they are always about ex-girlfriends??? I saw my pregnant ex standing outside a laudramat. She saw me and started crying. And then I held her.
And then I woke up. It was SOOOOO real. Like, so real that I know where that laundramat is, and I feel like if I were to...
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And then I woke up. It was SOOOOO real. Like, so real that I know where that laundramat is, and I feel like if I were to...
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fucking double posts
[Edited on Jul 10, 2004 12:39AM]
[Edited on Jul 10, 2004 12:39AM]
hey there - well. i'm glad you had a good time anyway. but yea, i am on the SG chicago group. it's all right - there's talk in the air of trying to get chicago folks more active. hopefully that will happen - but we'll see
to get in - you need two refernces right? i'm not sure they HAVE to be from chicago? only one of my mine was ... but if ya need a hand .. ?
sorry about your dream ... sounds super-intense. i rarely remember mine either - and i usually only do when it's something unsettling too.

to get in - you need two refernces right? i'm not sure they HAVE to be from chicago? only one of my mine was ... but if ya need a hand .. ?
sorry about your dream ... sounds super-intense. i rarely remember mine either - and i usually only do when it's something unsettling too.
Hunting for jobs.
Hunting for jobs.
Can't be on this site because I'm
Hunting for jobs.
The end.
The jobs are quite scarce
They elude my skills to find
Financial goodness.
(worst Haiku EVER) Alright. Back to the hunt.
Hunting for jobs.
Can't be on this site because I'm
Hunting for jobs.
The end.
The jobs are quite scarce
They elude my skills to find
Financial goodness.
(worst Haiku EVER) Alright. Back to the hunt.

all you have to do is click on the image insert and put in
God, I need to be productive. I won't have a job until at least Monday, and I'm going to be surviving on bread and water. I should be using this time to clean the apartment, but instead the ennui takes over. Laziness breeds laziness. How true. How pathetic.
Good thign I'm not one of those kinda girls! Or if I am I'm very obliviouse ot it.
Thanks for making me laugh, is was very much needed.
*hands you a gold star and skips off*
Thanks for making me laugh, is was very much needed.
*hands you a gold star and skips off*

Thank you for the sweet comment on my set!!
And yes...what an amazing writer!

I picked up a lot of plays today. Wow. Time to get cracking. More Steve Tesich stuff. "Hawking's Dream" by Erwin Riess. "Baal," which I've never gotten a chance to read before. Some Naomi Wallace, "Lilith" by Allen Havis, "Vanishing Points" by Martin Jones. Some more Peter Handke, and some plays by Allan Havis. None of this matters because all I really want to do...
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This message is brought to you by the Fourth of July Council:
"God bless the United States of Freedom!! I'm proud to be an American because I love freedom. Did you know that there are people who hate freedom? They are called terrorists. So today, go to Wal-Mart and buy a flag. We'll teach those terrorists a lesson. And remember, the country is on Orange...
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"God bless the United States of Freedom!! I'm proud to be an American because I love freedom. Did you know that there are people who hate freedom? They are called terrorists. So today, go to Wal-Mart and buy a flag. We'll teach those terrorists a lesson. And remember, the country is on Orange...
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So - some general ramblings about this theatre company. Though we have yet to solidify our mission statement in specific terms, I believe we know exactly what we want. This much has been laid down. We are The Right Brain Project. We seek to challenge our audience as we do ourselves in our choice of material. We will strive to confine our choices of material...
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Hmm well, I do a lot of table top roleplaying, as well as computer and console systems, right now I'm mostly playing Star Wars Galaxies, Battlefield vietnam and far as the table top stuff goes, hmm anything from D&D to Call of Cathulu
Arn't the ladies already standing in line?

Farenteit 9/11 - Made me engraged, sad, and yet oddly hopeful for the future. I would like to think that things can only get better, but at the same time, I can't help but think that this experiment called "America" is seeing its days of self-destruction. The rich are only getting richer, and when the top 5% of the country are the only ones making...
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Why the FUCK can't I get a real job?? Yet another rejection letter from a job that I couldn't be any more qualified for. Of course, they did mention in the letter that they recieved more than 200 applications. I find that hard to believe, but hey - with this economy, maybe so. Oh well. I suppose I should just get used to temping and...
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Chicago theater....I want to see some, but have no idea where to go to look. And i mean, i dont want to see tommy guns garage, but something good. Any help?