Well ladies and gents, I surmise that this is a good juncture to mention the futility of trying to be peaceful on bloody christmas day, much less have anything to do with the christians... they're even more holy on the day they use to cover up yule (the pagan giftgiving midwinter festival) and personally, I prefer Yule... Either way, both days were okay, in that whole didn't get what I was after, but enjoyed what I got kind of way.
My son got a lesson in materialism... and in two days he gets another on his birthday... life is infinitely amusing at the moment, and I really think that most people shoud remember on the holidays: Keep your damn temper, you're not helping anyone by losing it; drive at or near the speed limit, some of us don't like to travel the highway 35... and finally my best piece of advice for the holidays, be yourself... nobody likes a big phoney jerk trying to have all the attention... I think that's about it for the moment.... but there may be more.
Later people,

Later people,