Long time since last I found much to say.... Not too long after the last post, I found out that I have a third child on the way, more's the merrier, I turned twenty five, none the worse for wear... I don't get how so many find it so hard to live a simple life... Oh I understand the need for distraction, the need for...
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I suppose that it's time for another rant, this one in... A Minor... I can't believe the things that married life brings, for five years I have seen only one woman, who has birthed my children, who has my unconditional love... I have two beautiful children, and I love them dearly... but why is it that whenever I am allowed the time to think, really...
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Wow, it's been a while...

I suppose that I should say hi to everyone, but I doubt anyone reads this, I also doubt I will get the chance to do much ranting, but I'll say what I can, and when I can...
I suppose although no one left any messages, at least a few read my last blather... It seems forever since I wrote it, but I'll survive...

These thoughts within my mind they fly,
to the evenings posessing that serene moonlit sky
the fires within these eyes they glow
but the light falls on naught but the purest snow
here in the arctic, a monster hides...
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Hey, uhhhh, just wanted to drop a line and say I started an SGAK group...
Well ladies and gents, I surmise that this is a good juncture to mention the futility of trying to be peaceful on bloody christmas day, much less have anything to do with the christians... they're even more holy on the day they use to cover up yule (the pagan giftgiving midwinter festival) and personally, I prefer Yule... Either way, both days were okay, in that...
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Well ladies and gents.... I suppose for the moment that life is good... my second child is well on the way, and I felt her kicking for a good solid hour about 5:30 ish this morning.... so I guess life is good. for my poem of the post, I submit the following thoughts...

When a man picks a woman, what does he want,
is it...
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glad you liked the hbo segment! there might be more in the future
I suppose that there may be a few who read the randomness that I put here, and I thank you all for proving that life can be found by accident. I hope that my poetry inspires, challenges, and/or entices all who read it to see things differently, if only for a moment...

As you look in my eyes, what do you see?
is it visions...
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hi...your poem is really good.smile you should check out mason pillion at anchorage tattoo. he's a great tattooist and a real swell guy.
Why do I not see the sun?
why do my eyes behold naught but despair in it's presence?
why has all it's joy faded
or is it that my inner child is jaded
what is it that pushes me on
when all i've loved may soon be gone?
the thoughts from which I'll never be free
this crimson thirst that's haunting me
I cannot walk...
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In the darkness we tortured children come together,
we walk the forbidden paths of pleasure to ease our pain
come rain or shine, we'll never know
we'll be lost in our darkness down below...
under the sidewalks under the moon
drink in sensation and feel the swoon
beauty abounds in states of bliss
in touch and sound, smell and gentle kiss...