Thanks heaps on the rad comments on Pirateology Storytime 
So I just got back from a short trip to San Francisco. Was lovely and just what I needed.. couch days and crazy dance nights with my burningman Death Guild family!
So I get off the plane and with in a few short hours a group of us were stuffing our faces with yummy sushi at Sushi Yama mmm so good! me and Shanti had saki. Just got home and pretty tired.. so night all
sorry for the lame blog. My mind isn't working right now

So I just got back from a short trip to San Francisco. Was lovely and just what I needed.. couch days and crazy dance nights with my burningman Death Guild family!
So I get off the plane and with in a few short hours a group of us were stuffing our faces with yummy sushi at Sushi Yama mmm so good! me and Shanti had saki. Just got home and pretty tired.. so night all
sorry for the lame blog. My mind isn't working right now

its ok