Ok so now that I have my own laptop (thanks to pacmanman who gave me a sweet deal on his old mac book <3) I shall do a proper update.. and will once again be able to have more of a presence on the site besides in chat..
First off I shall mention I moved into a great house on my birthday weekend.. though didn't really sleep there till a week later.. Me and my new roommates are slowly gathering things and making if feel like a real home. Tuesday saw me drilling holes in the wall so I could put vynals on the walls.. but in a way that we can still take them down and play them
. Also picked up two arm chairs today.. now we just need a couch! and then I shall claim the futon as my bed ^_^. Also since being here I have gone back to my great cooking habits ie. handmade sushi mmm

thats how many days till I will be back on the playa!! going home soon can't wait to see my new Death Guild family and my big brothers.. one of which being mephist0 we have some drinking to do
18.. is also the date that I will be going to Seattle
18.. is also the day that I will be getting new tattoos
18.. is also the day I will get to see SweetFangCarter
But in more recent afairs I shall be at the Bourbon this Friday the 13th as a Jagerette with the lovely Tita and amazing Shanti... I know Voodou and laphroaig shall be there getting there drink on and getting free jager merch from us girls!! so if your in Vancouver come along..
Cheaper entry for Cotumes as its Friday the 13th themed!
also don't forget to vote on my Zivity Set

First off I shall mention I moved into a great house on my birthday weekend.. though didn't really sleep there till a week later.. Me and my new roommates are slowly gathering things and making if feel like a real home. Tuesday saw me drilling holes in the wall so I could put vynals on the walls.. but in a way that we can still take them down and play them

thats how many days till I will be back on the playa!! going home soon can't wait to see my new Death Guild family and my big brothers.. one of which being mephist0 we have some drinking to do

18.. is also the date that I will be going to Seattle
18.. is also the day that I will be getting new tattoos
18.. is also the day I will get to see SweetFangCarter

But in more recent afairs I shall be at the Bourbon this Friday the 13th as a Jagerette with the lovely Tita and amazing Shanti... I know Voodou and laphroaig shall be there getting there drink on and getting free jager merch from us girls!! so if your in Vancouver come along..
Cheaper entry for Cotumes as its Friday the 13th themed!

also don't forget to vote on my Zivity Set

let me know when this chicken wing hunt is startin up