**just a note on my last blog... the letter tattoo person is a boy!**
Also plug.. My first Zivity set Soaking White please note can only be viewed by members..PLEASE VOTE

I was going to do a massive picture blog but my partner is crime beat me too it.. Voodou
So there was my first Canada day celebrations which of course involved drinking, sharpies and dancing
the following day was beach, drinking, drinking wii, drinking games.. I see a pattern!
also I just did my tax this evening! yeah! I rock haha
been obsessed with chat of late.. and haven't been on much of the rest of the site.. my bad sorry peoples loves you

My ears are now at 1 inch! yay
Love Cruella D. Ville

P.S my birthday is coming up and so far no plans.. but I believe it will include sharpies for the knuckle club and drinking??
Also plug.. My first Zivity set Soaking White please note can only be viewed by members..PLEASE VOTE

I was going to do a massive picture blog but my partner is crime beat me too it.. Voodou

So there was my first Canada day celebrations which of course involved drinking, sharpies and dancing
the following day was beach, drinking, drinking wii, drinking games.. I see a pattern!
also I just did my tax this evening! yeah! I rock haha
been obsessed with chat of late.. and haven't been on much of the rest of the site.. my bad sorry peoples loves you

My ears are now at 1 inch! yay
Love Cruella D. Ville

P.S my birthday is coming up and so far no plans.. but I believe it will include sharpies for the knuckle club and drinking??
I was in my first Canada Day parade ever...good times. Did it rain there? It was kind of a crappy day in Courtenay but we pulled through thanks to some alcohol. Alcohol is always the answer.