I'm so up in the air atm not sure what to do with myself!
specially with boys! so much drama and persistence! well not drama more confusing decision making needed on my part! uh and its all american boys! gee why can't I just find a non-crazy hot boy here in Vancouver! and a Job!
And due to these decision making problems I even looked into working visa's for the US as a friend is opening a new tattoo shop and said he would train me! but don't think that is going to happen as it will cost around the 3000 mark to submit the visa. uh! fail!
And that was option 1. Option 2 is going on the road next month around the north east of USA selling piercing jewellery with Shain. and Option 3 is moving in with Ryan in Tacoma and just make monies from tattooing and modelling Le Sigh!
Like I said before my life is a cult movie!
also thinking about starting to strip as my funds are kapoot!
selling my iPhone on ebay due to the fact that it is locked to an Australian company!
And still need to get my BM ticket!
but in other news talked to my only tattoo artist I have out of australia Nomi Chi about working on the rest of my arm.. and she got super excited about my idea, which in turn got me uber excited! I'm thinking of it as a birthday present to myself.. so not till the end of July

Maybe I should start painting again? what do you think

or just finish my damn portfolio!

ok end rant!

My picture of the Day!

Cruella D.Ville
P.S I want to do another set for here asap!
RIP Ronnie James Dio

Yay I see you're on the SD Comic Con list!
Definitely! You are a talented artist.