"Boomshanka! interseption"

this quote has been running though my head ever since Voodou woke me up to say I had gone pink! hehe love you lady!
soo happy thankyou everyone! also big thanks to Cherry
and of course Tita and Voodou
I really want to see that candid pic of me explaining to Tita how my dermal works lol
back to reall blog!
So yesterday me and Shain went to Seattle for the day and met up with a friend of ours from Australia
and then Hydrophilic met up with us after work and we ended up at Shorty's before having to get back on the bus back to Vancouver..
Made me miss hanging out with boys! I have dirty guy talk
some pics from my iPhone

Nano and Shain

Shain with vegan icing all over his face from vegan cinnamon roll hehe

look its Voodou's Fiancee lol

In other news I have a few shoots this week.. tonights in a bath tub.. the photographer is very cute eep!
hope I don't get nervous! but I will have Kumquat there doing my makeup and being my silly partner in crime!
Cruella D. Ville

this quote has been running though my head ever since Voodou woke me up to say I had gone pink! hehe love you lady!
soo happy thankyou everyone! also big thanks to Cherry

and of course Tita and Voodou
I really want to see that candid pic of me explaining to Tita how my dermal works lol
back to reall blog!
So yesterday me and Shain went to Seattle for the day and met up with a friend of ours from Australia
and then Hydrophilic met up with us after work and we ended up at Shorty's before having to get back on the bus back to Vancouver..
Made me miss hanging out with boys! I have dirty guy talk
some pics from my iPhone

Nano and Shain

Shain with vegan icing all over his face from vegan cinnamon roll hehe

look its Voodou's Fiancee lol

In other news I have a few shoots this week.. tonights in a bath tub.. the photographer is very cute eep!
hope I don't get nervous! but I will have Kumquat there doing my makeup and being my silly partner in crime!
Cruella D. Ville
Morning sex, god it's been years. I confess I usually don't stay as long, only cuz I have to work or do something that evening.
Morning sex is fun though, must have it again some day