You know it's odd. This week work put me in such a bad mood. I've never been so frustrated with people and pissed at co workers as I was this past wednesday. So isn't it odd to say that today at work cheered me up from the day at work on Wednesday? Very odd indeed.
...and such a weird day it was too. From the moment I walked through the door I was busy. Doing EKGs, catching up with coworkers who I didn't see last weekend, drawing blood and helping out with ambulances. Yes I did have some rather disturbing moments. Like the time I was putting a catheter into this man that came in drunk and stating that he was hit by a car sometime Friday, he had the abrasions and ruptured spinal discs to prove it too. Since he is so drunk we have to put a catheter into him to get a urine specimine. Of course guess who does the caths. Yup the ER Tech, aka ME. So I get the cath kit out, double gloves as usual and get to inserting the cath. I get the cath down his penis but while the tube is down the penis I have to hold the penis as the urine is draining into the cup. All was going well until I felt Kegal muscle contractions. I felt violated
someone hold me.
I will have to say I must invest in a pair of earplugs. Nothing jogs someones sense of balance like a 4yrd screaming at the top of her lungs as a nurse tries to start an IV.
I got puked on by an 83 yrd man. I'm so glad it only got onto my gloves.
So tonight I'm home from work. Relaxing, drinking chai and needing a shower. Maybe I'll watch the Just Like Heaven video one more time, that song still drives me to near tears when I hear it. So many memories. So much lost.
So now that the Fall semester is starting i'm getting new neighbors. I've never really talked about where I live, but it goes like this; I bought a townhome in a nice quiet community about ten minutes from campus. Needless to say most of my neighbors are yuppy college kids whose parents have bought the townhome for the child to live in and rent to his friends. So I'm surrounded by this:
...and such a weird day it was too. From the moment I walked through the door I was busy. Doing EKGs, catching up with coworkers who I didn't see last weekend, drawing blood and helping out with ambulances. Yes I did have some rather disturbing moments. Like the time I was putting a catheter into this man that came in drunk and stating that he was hit by a car sometime Friday, he had the abrasions and ruptured spinal discs to prove it too. Since he is so drunk we have to put a catheter into him to get a urine specimine. Of course guess who does the caths. Yup the ER Tech, aka ME. So I get the cath kit out, double gloves as usual and get to inserting the cath. I get the cath down his penis but while the tube is down the penis I have to hold the penis as the urine is draining into the cup. All was going well until I felt Kegal muscle contractions. I felt violated

I will have to say I must invest in a pair of earplugs. Nothing jogs someones sense of balance like a 4yrd screaming at the top of her lungs as a nurse tries to start an IV.
I got puked on by an 83 yrd man. I'm so glad it only got onto my gloves.
So tonight I'm home from work. Relaxing, drinking chai and needing a shower. Maybe I'll watch the Just Like Heaven video one more time, that song still drives me to near tears when I hear it. So many memories. So much lost.
So now that the Fall semester is starting i'm getting new neighbors. I've never really talked about where I live, but it goes like this; I bought a townhome in a nice quiet community about ten minutes from campus. Needless to say most of my neighbors are yuppy college kids whose parents have bought the townhome for the child to live in and rent to his friends. So I'm surrounded by this:


I must say, your username is quite catchy.
Why thank you