So last night after my Chemistry test I dragged my brain dead ass to see Kill Bill with some co workers. DamN Awesome movie. Definatly made up for my crappy brain deadedness after that shitty Chemistry Test. Kill Bill couldn't have been a better sequel. I really want a Hatori Hanzo sword I swear I wouldn't hurt anyone with it :-|
So I got to tech today at work and after two missed stickes and numerous errands, etc I got to work on my first code. Now a Code is when someone comes into the ER in Cardiac Arrest and the tech's job is to do compressions. So from when the person comes into the room you find your landmarks and start doing compressions. Not stopping till the Doc says so.
So the stretcher comes into the room. I'm ready to go, gloves on and get to work once he's transfered over to an ER Stretcher. So I'm doing my compressions, my preceptor is using a veinous doplar (a fancy machine) to see how my compressions are doing and they are doing very well. All around me IVs are being started and the respiratory thearpist is bagging the patient through a intibation tube. Drugs are being pushed into his blood stream and it's my job to make them circulate, hopefully restarting his heart. But from the time he came in he was non responsive, his EKG was Asystole (thing straight line) and was motionless. Nontheless I stood my ground and continued to do compressions for a good 4 minutes straight, then I heard a CRACK. Yup I broke a rib :-/ I just brushed it off and continued till the Doctor said stop... All's been done. He called the code.
So after I stop and step off the block the respiratory therapist says to me "you have to change your cloths." "What?" I'm thinking, "I am changed, I'm wearing my scrubs." "NO" she says and point at my left leg and waist. I'm covered in drool/blood. The whole time while I was doing compressions he was hemoraging through his mouth and guess which way his mouth was facing... Yup right at me. I didn't even notice. Honestly I really didn't care.
So I changed and washed off. thankfully non of the blood/drool got on my undershirt, an hour after my first code experience. We get 4 ambulances into the ER. I helped a nurse with a 7 yrd on a stretcher in a neckbrace. Poor kid was so scared and so brave. He didn't cry but you could tell he was scared. I just stood by his side and told him he would be ok. Thankfully he was, the neckbrace removed and he was reunited with his mother in another room.
Such was my day at work... Kinda exciting and kinda boring.
ok so the night of Boyball a friend of Britt's showed up with a girl. I'll call her M. After speaking with her I found out that M works at the hosptial too. She a cute hippy girl, a nurse who listens to hippy rock music and has her nose pierced. We talk about healthcare. How much we are both drawn to it and about music, etc. That night she left a friend drunk in the car so she and a friend decided to leave early. We leave with pleasentries. She works nightshift so maybe when I switch to nights we can meet up and talk somemore. So I deceded today to maybe take some initiative in my non existent love life. Maybe talk to a girl :-O for once.
So after work I head up to the floor she works. You know thinking the whole "hey I was working late and your dept was on my way to my car and just decided to stop by and say hi" deal. It would work right? I mean the first time she met me I was in drag and now I'm stopping by so you could see what I look like without the Japanese schoolgirl outfit. that would work?
Ok maybe not but it was a stretch.
So I go up to her floor and ask for M at the Nurses desk. The kind Secretary tells me that she is here but in the breakroom. She takes me to the breakroom. M isn't there. So she takes me around the Dept. M is nowhere to be found. By this point I'm freaking out, I just want to thank the woman for her help and be on my way. But in a Kind Southern Hospitality sense she is determined to help me. We check the classroom....where M is with two of her coworkers about to have their daily report on patients. Awe shit! What a shitty situation. I try not to goof. Try to play it off nice. Hey, I was just working late and came by to say hi but I know you are in a very important meeting. Sorry to interupt your meeting. Maybe I'll talk to you again someother time (not like we have each others numbers for there to be a next time). Oh well I tried right?
But on the brightside I have my new Turntable I can finally now listen to those Bob Marley, Beastie Boys and Cure albums i've been packratting over the years.
*** plays "Lovesong".......
So I got to tech today at work and after two missed stickes and numerous errands, etc I got to work on my first code. Now a Code is when someone comes into the ER in Cardiac Arrest and the tech's job is to do compressions. So from when the person comes into the room you find your landmarks and start doing compressions. Not stopping till the Doc says so.
So the stretcher comes into the room. I'm ready to go, gloves on and get to work once he's transfered over to an ER Stretcher. So I'm doing my compressions, my preceptor is using a veinous doplar (a fancy machine) to see how my compressions are doing and they are doing very well. All around me IVs are being started and the respiratory thearpist is bagging the patient through a intibation tube. Drugs are being pushed into his blood stream and it's my job to make them circulate, hopefully restarting his heart. But from the time he came in he was non responsive, his EKG was Asystole (thing straight line) and was motionless. Nontheless I stood my ground and continued to do compressions for a good 4 minutes straight, then I heard a CRACK. Yup I broke a rib :-/ I just brushed it off and continued till the Doctor said stop... All's been done. He called the code.
So after I stop and step off the block the respiratory therapist says to me "you have to change your cloths." "What?" I'm thinking, "I am changed, I'm wearing my scrubs." "NO" she says and point at my left leg and waist. I'm covered in drool/blood. The whole time while I was doing compressions he was hemoraging through his mouth and guess which way his mouth was facing... Yup right at me. I didn't even notice. Honestly I really didn't care.
So I changed and washed off. thankfully non of the blood/drool got on my undershirt, an hour after my first code experience. We get 4 ambulances into the ER. I helped a nurse with a 7 yrd on a stretcher in a neckbrace. Poor kid was so scared and so brave. He didn't cry but you could tell he was scared. I just stood by his side and told him he would be ok. Thankfully he was, the neckbrace removed and he was reunited with his mother in another room.
Such was my day at work... Kinda exciting and kinda boring.
ok so the night of Boyball a friend of Britt's showed up with a girl. I'll call her M. After speaking with her I found out that M works at the hosptial too. She a cute hippy girl, a nurse who listens to hippy rock music and has her nose pierced. We talk about healthcare. How much we are both drawn to it and about music, etc. That night she left a friend drunk in the car so she and a friend decided to leave early. We leave with pleasentries. She works nightshift so maybe when I switch to nights we can meet up and talk somemore. So I deceded today to maybe take some initiative in my non existent love life. Maybe talk to a girl :-O for once.
So after work I head up to the floor she works. You know thinking the whole "hey I was working late and your dept was on my way to my car and just decided to stop by and say hi" deal. It would work right? I mean the first time she met me I was in drag and now I'm stopping by so you could see what I look like without the Japanese schoolgirl outfit. that would work?
Ok maybe not but it was a stretch.
So I go up to her floor and ask for M at the Nurses desk. The kind Secretary tells me that she is here but in the breakroom. She takes me to the breakroom. M isn't there. So she takes me around the Dept. M is nowhere to be found. By this point I'm freaking out, I just want to thank the woman for her help and be on my way. But in a Kind Southern Hospitality sense she is determined to help me. We check the classroom....where M is with two of her coworkers about to have their daily report on patients. Awe shit! What a shitty situation. I try not to goof. Try to play it off nice. Hey, I was just working late and came by to say hi but I know you are in a very important meeting. Sorry to interupt your meeting. Maybe I'll talk to you again someother time (not like we have each others numbers for there to be a next time). Oh well I tried right?
But on the brightside I have my new Turntable I can finally now listen to those Bob Marley, Beastie Boys and Cure albums i've been packratting over the years.
*** plays "Lovesong".......
Hello to you aswell sweetie
I havent been on msn lately cuz my home computer is still kaput... but sooooooooon hopefully it is being fixed 