So I'm due for a long entry. As usual it will be done in short bullets:
~ Learning the pelvic exam wasn't as bad as I thought. I thought I was going to do terrible but watching the instructional video was probably the worst part. Our Standardized Patient was really nice and to go through five pelvic exams, all back to back, she was a real trooper. I don't think I'm going in the OB/GYN field but it was good to have some experience/ gaining patient care experience for my rotations to come. Hey at least I can understand why women complain about seeing the OB/GYN for their yearly check up.
~ The following day after learning the pelvic exam I had three Medical Interviews with Standardized Patients. Pretty much you walk into a room with knowing their Chief Complaint and you're to conduct a medical interview while faculity grade your performance and it's videotaped. I bombed it. HARDCORE! I froze during the first interview. Their was at least five two minute moments of pure silence. Just me tapping on my clipboard wondering what the fuck am I to ask next. The Standardized patient was very nice. He gave very good feedback on my horrible performance. I was a nervous wreak for the other two but I think I did much better. I definatly scored very low and I don't think I'm watching my videotape anytime soon.
~ So since last week I've been logging long hours at the library preparing for my test this past Monday. I even missed AJ's visit. She was 45 minutes away from me and I couldn't see her because I was studying. It's times like this that I hate being back in school. I live close to friends but all in all I don't get to see them that much anyway. As much as I like my classmates I still miss the warmth and comfort of an old friend.
~ btw I bombed the test but so did half my class. Thank god for the 11 pt curve
~ I have another test next week. FUCK HEMATOLOGY!!
~ I start interviewing patients in the hospital next week. Pics of me in a white lab coat to come soon.
~ Learning the pelvic exam wasn't as bad as I thought. I thought I was going to do terrible but watching the instructional video was probably the worst part. Our Standardized Patient was really nice and to go through five pelvic exams, all back to back, she was a real trooper. I don't think I'm going in the OB/GYN field but it was good to have some experience/ gaining patient care experience for my rotations to come. Hey at least I can understand why women complain about seeing the OB/GYN for their yearly check up.
~ The following day after learning the pelvic exam I had three Medical Interviews with Standardized Patients. Pretty much you walk into a room with knowing their Chief Complaint and you're to conduct a medical interview while faculity grade your performance and it's videotaped. I bombed it. HARDCORE! I froze during the first interview. Their was at least five two minute moments of pure silence. Just me tapping on my clipboard wondering what the fuck am I to ask next. The Standardized patient was very nice. He gave very good feedback on my horrible performance. I was a nervous wreak for the other two but I think I did much better. I definatly scored very low and I don't think I'm watching my videotape anytime soon.
~ So since last week I've been logging long hours at the library preparing for my test this past Monday. I even missed AJ's visit. She was 45 minutes away from me and I couldn't see her because I was studying. It's times like this that I hate being back in school. I live close to friends but all in all I don't get to see them that much anyway. As much as I like my classmates I still miss the warmth and comfort of an old friend.
~ btw I bombed the test but so did half my class. Thank god for the 11 pt curve

~ I have another test next week. FUCK HEMATOLOGY!!
~ I start interviewing patients in the hospital next week. Pics of me in a white lab coat to come soon.

Save the Empire!!
