So I've been fucking up at work lately, which is a new experience for me. Nothing huge mind you, but I'm missing some of the little things that can make the whole machine grind to a halt. For instance, we have the distinct pleasure of flying today. I know, I know; I think it's awesome as well. I spent two weeks or so making sure...
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Anybody else notice an inordinate amount of anonymous account re-activations? It seems like every tenth blog or so I look at (I'm a grazer, sue me) has someone saying, "Thanks to whomever re-activated my account!" I'm wondering if SG's subscriptions are in decline and they're anonymously re-activating accounts in the hopes that a new subscription will be bought. Not a terrible idea from a marketing...
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Dear Las Vegans (which, incidentally, isn't Spanish for "The Militant Vegetarians),
How do you live here in the Summer, year after year, 100+ degree day after 100+ degree day and not go bat-shit crazy?
Oh, never mind, you don't. Every one of you is crazy as a shit-house rat.
How do you live here in the Summer, year after year, 100+ degree day after 100+ degree day and not go bat-shit crazy?
Oh, never mind, you don't. Every one of you is crazy as a shit-house rat.
Wanna know what I've been up to? I don't care, I'm telling you anyway...
I'm almost done watching the complete "Deadwood" series again. I do believe Dan Doherty is my favorite character.
It's hot here. Too fucking hot. I'm ready to go somewhere that has a tolerable Summer and more seasons than "Hot as Fuck" and "Not Quite Hot as Fuck".
I'm the 57 Maintenance...
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I'm almost done watching the complete "Deadwood" series again. I do believe Dan Doherty is my favorite character.
It's hot here. Too fucking hot. I'm ready to go somewhere that has a tolerable Summer and more seasons than "Hot as Fuck" and "Not Quite Hot as Fuck".
I'm the 57 Maintenance...
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I haven't watched any of that show yet but I hear it is good
What are you looking at???
So I went out last night to a little promotion party for a couple of guys at work, and I was reminded again why I dislike going out generally speaking but here more than anywhere else. Too much smoke, too many drunks (not that I didn't imbibe, I did, but not to the point where I was uncontrollable), too loud. Meh, it happens. I have...
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I just finished "The Zombie Survival Guide" which means I'll be better prepared when the apocalypse comes. So when the dead rise rally 'round me!
That fucking sucks. Flight line of frozen or hot is rank!
I feel so bad for our flight line crews on the ice shelf. I have watched firefighters training in SLC during the dead heat of summer. Ugh. Brutal.
Well maybe tomorrow you will luck out and it will only be 101. Nasty no matter how you slice it!
I feel so bad for our flight line crews on the ice shelf. I have watched firefighters training in SLC during the dead heat of summer. Ugh. Brutal.
Well maybe tomorrow you will luck out and it will only be 101. Nasty no matter how you slice it!
Dude. If you can find a vendor that sells that (hopefully affordable!) I would so do a dedicated set in that! It is a brilliant idea actually. If you cannot, then I will see what I can do to find someone that might be able to make one. 

Do you really care what I'm doing right now? You don't even know me. You do? Okay then...
Laundry is in work, one more load to wash, two to dry.
Hairs are cut. I decided to get them all cut instead of just a haircut, because, really, it's more cost effective.
Groceries are bought. I don't have to buy much considering I live alone and...
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Laundry is in work, one more load to wash, two to dry.
Hairs are cut. I decided to get them all cut instead of just a haircut, because, really, it's more cost effective.
Groceries are bought. I don't have to buy much considering I live alone and...
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Who said the military does not have a sense of humour?
If you get a chance, you might like World War Z. I thought it was a very well written book about the zombie rising. I have not read the Zombie Survival Guide, so you will have to tell me if you like it or not.

If you get a chance, you might like World War Z. I thought it was a very well written book about the zombie rising. I have not read the Zombie Survival Guide, so you will have to tell me if you like it or not.
oh, so you are in the air force - sounds exciting but no doubt quite unnerving too! Just saw that you are off in again september, that seems a shame, but I guess when your travelling around all the time you probably end up having lots of other stuff to do besides come on here.

So here's what's been happening since January when I left for Afghanistan:
The deployment went well. Nothing really to report on that end, except to say my Brothers and Sisters in arms over there have it much harder (exponentially so) than I did and I think about you guys. Be safe.
I'm getting promoted. I found out in March. Which throws my retirement plans out...
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The deployment went well. Nothing really to report on that end, except to say my Brothers and Sisters in arms over there have it much harder (exponentially so) than I did and I think about you guys. Be safe.
I'm getting promoted. I found out in March. Which throws my retirement plans out...
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Because they have to pick some bad habit. I guess black lungs make up for the not eating meat. *shrug* I mean really, who wants to fucking smoke tofu?
I made it back in one piece. Miss me?
if you say so 

Do ya care? No? Well I'll tell you anyway. I got word on the 30th that I was getting on an airplane on the 1st to head "downrange" as we like to call it. All my training was done so the date wasn't much of a shock save that I was expecting to go a bit later. Meh. Had I known I would be leaving...
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Turns out it's not one week. It's tomorrow. Tomorrow I start my four month adventure vacation. I'm actually looking forward to it and as excited as I ever get about anything. Which is to say, not very. I gotta re-pack...