Only read below if you want to know the begining of the week
So today I leave work around 3pm to go get my nephew off the school bus to then drop him off at the lady that watches him and his brother. I get about halfway to his house, as the bus drops him off there, and my mother calls to let me know she will be there too. So strike one, is that me leaving work was pointless, but I go on to the house cause she was not heading to the babysitter's. I get there and I find a birthday card for me. My best friend said she was sending me one, so I was really quite excited it was from her. I open it, to my dismay, it is from my god damn shitbag of a father. With a special note essentially telling me I need to get over my problem and try to "mend" things with him. You know what, fuck that, he is a piece of shit, he screwed up and I told him to not contact me anymore.... *sigh* Oh wait it gets better.... So my nephew has the choice to go with my mother, his Mamaw, to a picnic, or to go to stay at the sitter's with his brother. He picks the picnic, not that I am surprised. I go to head back to work and wonderfully enough, my damn car won't start. So now I get to deal with that tonight and tomorrow.
As I said I was having such a good day too.... *sigh*
Sorry things suck