im going to watch old boy tonight....anyone ever see it? its a bamf movie. right now im listening to mr bungle (california) so so so good. i just had a bag of hot fries, and soon, i will have another. i hate that pic i use, and my chest hurts still. i love the show party for five, and i love the movie se7en. i want my band to get signed, but its hard to when your bass player quit, and now that your drummer is in another band all you keep hearing is that people are telling him to quit. awesome. theres nothing i want to do more than write music. play music. and then scream it. that last song i wrote im calling it fact or fishin, and its not how i normally write, and i like it. i need a new one to write but i cant think of anything. or im not feeling anything. fries.
a girl who is in a relationship and the dude beats her up all the time. they have a child. the hate has not passed on to her yet. she is full of love and wonder and curiosity. the girl leaves the boy. does well on her own. she has a sister and that sister goes through the same thing minus the kid. her dude beats her up now and the cycle starts all over again. i dont think there are nearly enough songs about domestic violence from the girls point of view. (plus it would require lots of screaming.