You know, there used to be a time when Mondays were my favorite day of the I loath them....loath them more then anything else in the world, and all because I was stupid, I guess. I could still be 'happily' with my now ex girllfriend...but instead I sit around lonely...wondering what she is doing and if I did indeed make the right desicion...but I guess that it doesn't matter anymore...desicions were made and words were spoken. Who ever it was that said that sticks and stones...but words will never hurt me was apperantly deaf...or at the very least a complete moron...words hurt more then broken bones...bones and flesh heal...the scars from words don't...the linger...and never go away...even if you regret saying them as soon as they come out of your mouth. I think that from now on I will become the 'strong silent' type...and not have to worry about hurting poeple with the words I say ever again...after all one's words can't hurt if they are never spoken...mind you I think also that I will carry a big stick so that when I do words will be heard...and there in a nut shell is your new quote..."Speak softly, but carry a big stick" Teddy Roosevelt
And now for something completely subscription to SG will be expiring soon and I don't know if I'm going to renew it...and while all of you have been fun to talk to, none of you are near enough to meet and actually befriend so what's the point...besides I'm poor and don't know if I'll even be able to afford to pay more...sooo all my love to all that want it and a little more to those that deserve it...and the most to one particular Peach...should she read this...
And now for something completely subscription to SG will be expiring soon and I don't know if I'm going to renew it...and while all of you have been fun to talk to, none of you are near enough to meet and actually befriend so what's the point...besides I'm poor and don't know if I'll even be able to afford to pay more...sooo all my love to all that want it and a little more to those that deserve it...and the most to one particular Peach...should she read this...