Well here's the Christmas from hell...First go to NY...Second break up with girlfriend...talk about bad timing...next spend the night of Christmas eve out front of a 7-11 for four hours in the blistering cold on Long Island waiting for my dad to come get me...how hot is that...then the 26th I lose it completely and end up in a psyc-ward in the local hospital...even more fun...diagnosis...A high ball of depression w/ an anxiety side car...good news is they gave me loooooots of happy pills...bad news...all the fucked up shit that has been going on in my relationships is pretty much all my fault...Icing huh...any way here is you new quote, based off the methods used by a select few, myself included in that..."THank you for calling the loony bin; chock fulla nuts...to which nutjob shall direct your call." ANd that came out of my mouth on the second day...I really fit in there...I finally wasn't the only nut job lying around.

thats pretty hectic