Have you ever wondered why it is that people have tendencies to say things and do something completely differert. I have often wondered why when we as a people say we will do something suddenly the idea of said task becomes more burdensome, even something as trivial as feeding the dog, mowing the lawn or taking out the trash. Is it inate in our bodies, and minds to dislike the neseccities of life. Even friendship sometimes seems to be to much for people to handle. For instence, about six months ago I left my ex- to finally have the peace I never got with her, yes we had three kids together, and yes when I left they stayed there, honestly it was the best thing for them, and yet most of the people I once thought were friends abandoned me when I needed help figuring out how I was. After seven and a half years of being told everything you do is no good, and that you are always wrong, a person need a little validation, needs to know that they are worth something more then what they have been told for so long. You would think that after that long and three kids the girl would know that I loved her and didn't care what she looked like. Yet being intamite...fucking forget about it...and that's all a man really wants in a relationship, yeah there are other perks to having a significant other, someone to talk to, someone to share all your triumphs, and losses, all your emotions and all of you, yet in the end all of it means nothing if one does not feel fulfilled. So anyway, I left my ex-, not my kids, and someone who had their mom walk out with their dad's business partner and completely deny her past, including her two kids, I really do know the differace between leaving your ex-, and leaving your family. I love my kids to death, the only things in my life I feel are worth dying for. Yet the pseudo-friends saw what they wanted and ignored the reality of things. But I ramble, not that that is really news, not if you know me. And now for something completely different.....I realize that I am fairly new to SG, but yet I feel as though I have been here forever, I'd like to say that every one I ever spoke to has been nothing but awesome, but I can't, some of you and if your actually reading this you are probably one of the very few who have been kind, some beyond all belief
, but yet I sit here, fairly bored and utterly lonely, why is it that a majority of the girls at SG want no more friends. If the people who are visiting your page, and the site in general, are helping to pay the bills then why in gods name would you want to esentually shune them, you know I sent sveral messages to several different girls and was lucky to get a responce, over half the time I didn't even get a responce, but you know what, in the end I guess those are the kind of people who are the so-called psuedo-friends anyway and does anybody really need a group of people just to make them feel better about themselves. Well maybe some do. I on the other hand, I think, just came to the conclusion that friends are to an extent highly over rated, except of coarse for the aformentioned few good people in the world, but really unfortunate, is that msot of these people I will never even get the oppertunity to meet face-2-face, as most of them live at least 500 miles away, or more, in the case of a couple, yet lately they have been better freinds then the ones I've known most of my life.....go figure.

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