So I've been sitting around waiting for my gf to get out of bed...and somehow got roped into watching her nieces...not that i mind...thier sleeping...and her moms just got that's a all i got to do is find some way of getting her out of bed so we can do at least some of the things we needed to do today...probablly not...but what...
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now i think that i'll take you back to the quote..."if you love me, then love me."-susan delgado. I thought that in my love fucked up as it's been...this has been the most well put phrase...if all of my past lovers who claimed to love me would have let me love them then i doubt very much that i would have had as many...which...
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So i was right...the nail trimming was indeed fun...i now have two new scratches on my about four inches long and the other is about three inches...i have never met a dog before who was so aposed to getting her nails trimmed...sweetest thing you will ever meet...untill she's on that table...kinda funny though...the gf's mom is freking out because of two of the slightest...
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So I'm sitting in my girlfriend's basement/room going through all the happy fun that is and find that my wishes have been answered...there is a new dvd...probably been out for a while but i've been gone for quite some time now...anyway i ramble...but what else is new...can i just say how much i hate this effin economy...been unemployed for way to long now...and of...
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Well not sure who it was but thank you...been havin a rough time finacially speakin' and couldn't scrape together the money to be here...but now i'm back...thanks to whom ever was kind enough...
"OOOO, baby do you know what that's worth, ooo heaven is a place on Earth."-unsure
Though the thought that an imaginary place is here on Earth is absurd to say the is in a way true...It isn't something you can go find on a wimb...yet, and any parent will agree, you can find heaven in glimpses whenever you look in you childs eyes...or the...
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Though the thought that an imaginary place is here on Earth is absurd to say the is in a way true...It isn't something you can go find on a wimb...yet, and any parent will agree, you can find heaven in glimpses whenever you look in you childs eyes...or the...
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Now that I have gotten to say hello to those that I really wanted to...I return you to your not-quite-so-daily quote...
"Please take my wife
Please take my wife
Then I'll take your wife
Then I'll fuck your wife
Just a fucking joke
No it's kinda not
There's a bit of truth
In every single shot"-Nathan Explotion 'hatredy'
"Please take my wife
Please take my wife
Then I'll take your wife
Then I'll fuck your wife
Just a fucking joke
No it's kinda not
There's a bit of truth
In every single shot"-Nathan Explotion 'hatredy'
Hello again My Lovlies...I haven't gotten to say hello to everyone individually yet...but I thought that a group greeting would sufice for the moment...Anyway...I have been single for to long now...and was in relationships for to long before I have no idea what the hell is going on in the world of dating...I mean I know that it really hasn't changed...but at the same...
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The crooked one is back...that's's been about a did you miss me...well probably not but that's OK...I'm not sure if I missed myself in that time...but on to more pressing matters...oh wait there aren't any...well it's good to be back...with love for all the freaks in the world...crookedirishman has left the website...only breifly this time...

So I got this peskie tooth pulled today...really happy about it but now I'm hungry and can't eat...go figure...on another plus side this might actually get me to stop smoking as you aren't supposed to smoke in this situation...not like it stoped me to eat my daily helping of pills...all my love you sexy things you

beef + grinder + straw = dinner
Don't smoke! Seriously, my friend did that and ended up getting dry rot and she said it felt like some on was scratching her wounds with steel wool!
You know, there used to be a time when Mondays were my favorite day of the I loath them....loath them more then anything else in the world, and all because I was stupid, I guess. I could still be 'happily' with my now ex girllfriend...but instead I sit around lonely...wondering what she is doing and if I did indeed make the right desicion...but I...
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Just found out about a Philly tat con...hope I can get there...shouldn't be that hard...anyway...hope to meet some of you...and hopefully get a new tat or two...but we'll see...all my love you sexy assed things you...
...oh hey your new quote...ummm..."oh I wish I was an Oscar Myer wiener..."...well here I deveate...cause then every body would want to eat me...though...on second thought...there are some people...
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