10 am.......first class.......drank all the vodka on the plane, started on the gin........11:18 or something like that.......landed.........mandelay bay........250black, win...........longislands (10 or so) more roulette, win. winwinwin.........wakeup on some random couch around 4 ish. dont remember passing out. hand moves to pocket.....wad of cash, musta been doing pretty good........back to the casino by 5 after a little motivation. no luck on slots. back to roulette. more drinks, more wins. lose big. another big loss, now im down. bout 315 am im back up......more drinks, more wins....... spilled about 3 capn and cokes on the table. damn, mustve been drunk. around 5 am call it quits, up by a few hundred........... 1 hour sleep. 12 hours confusion. snap out of it, time for a house party, vegas style...........more drinks, this time beer (and only about 20 or so) .........2 hours sleep, back to casino.......get drink, play slots, win.......take winning to roulette, double money, bail to next casino, repeat........blues show, more drinks........lose big, drink more........win big, drink more......im about even after 2 days? or was it 3?........end up at bar with friends........car bomb after car bomb, 1 hour sleep........run through security, get on plane......pass out in vegas, wake up in fucking kentucky, the end
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