I am so grateful for all those i love in life, those who care about me and those who protect me but...
How the hell can people say shit and not realise how much it hurts others? I cant stand that shit.
Sometimes i think people are too obsessed with their heads and not their hearts. Your head is manipulated by everything around you, your family, your friends, your culture, pop culture. But your heart, it speaks of you it cant be manipulated, your heart does not put you in bad positions, thats your head. You gotta learn to shut out your head sometimes i think
How can people not realise what they are saying and not realise how people are taking it, its not that hard to say something but if you dont say it right people gauge it differently to others. Especially when its not you who its said to but you are told about it that hurts the most.
Who heres been hurt? who here has said or thought these words? who here has ended right where they started.
, I refuse to be the fool...
But sometimes refusing to be the fool makes you the fool.
BUt i still love those aorund me and still find contedness (I have no other word for it... ;p)in these people no matter what they say. Sometimes you gotta just mellow out
Whose gonna mellow with me ??
Peace, Love, Unity
How the hell can people say shit and not realise how much it hurts others? I cant stand that shit.
Sometimes i think people are too obsessed with their heads and not their hearts. Your head is manipulated by everything around you, your family, your friends, your culture, pop culture. But your heart, it speaks of you it cant be manipulated, your heart does not put you in bad positions, thats your head. You gotta learn to shut out your head sometimes i think
How can people not realise what they are saying and not realise how people are taking it, its not that hard to say something but if you dont say it right people gauge it differently to others. Especially when its not you who its said to but you are told about it that hurts the most.
Who heres been hurt? who here has said or thought these words? who here has ended right where they started.
, I refuse to be the fool...
But sometimes refusing to be the fool makes you the fool.
BUt i still love those aorund me and still find contedness (I have no other word for it... ;p)in these people no matter what they say. Sometimes you gotta just mellow out

Whose gonna mellow with me ??

Peace, Love, Unity