Last night aver dear friend of mine had her first art opening. And it went very well. And we got very drunk. Incidentally, this old drunk guy came along and talked about how this style of art was going to be the next big thing, and he fought in Vietnam and he was going to come here with all his mates to get drunk tomorrow night and get drunk and all the staff had better be ready. Are all the staff ready? Ok. At this point said old drunk man left and stopped pestering my friends and I.
Interesting stuff. Now tonight, I find myself at the Thai place down the road from me waiting for my green curry, when who should come in spinning a different story in an identical way to the staff. The cornerstone of his ramblings being that him and his friends were going to come in tomorrow night and spend a lot of money of Thai and all the staff had better be smiling for him.
It's interesting, and I would like to know what his story is, but mostly his rants use the word 'and' in the one sentance than makes me grammatically comfortable.
Also, my work today sponsored a crash course in MacGyver style cocktail making. Ie. Making cocktails from everyday household items, which has resulted in a very drunk and unproductive Cormac. Basically I found out I was 2-5 dollars short of making homemade Mijito, which for those who value their braincells, is basically white rum with some garnish.
Comic nerd rant behind spoilers
Interesting stuff. Now tonight, I find myself at the Thai place down the road from me waiting for my green curry, when who should come in spinning a different story in an identical way to the staff. The cornerstone of his ramblings being that him and his friends were going to come in tomorrow night and spend a lot of money of Thai and all the staff had better be smiling for him.
It's interesting, and I would like to know what his story is, but mostly his rants use the word 'and' in the one sentance than makes me grammatically comfortable.
Also, my work today sponsored a crash course in MacGyver style cocktail making. Ie. Making cocktails from everyday household items, which has resulted in a very drunk and unproductive Cormac. Basically I found out I was 2-5 dollars short of making homemade Mijito, which for those who value their braincells, is basically white rum with some garnish.
Comic nerd rant behind spoilers
of course you got the shit-end of the deal, he gave you all Marvel books! 

it's frackin' awesome!