LOL at the fact that either this is a ploy from SG to get me back on here or someone really decided they wanted me back for 3 months and used a birthday gift as an excuse. Which ever it was, I appreciate it, but I probably still won't be on this site very often. But while I'm here... how's everyone doing?!
I decided I have no reason to really be on here so I cancelled my account. Anyone that wants to be in touch can hit me up on my AIM, myspace, facebook, twitter or email. Friend me if you know me, follow me if you know me, email me if you want to talk.
Screenname: wickdflip
Don't bother leaving comments, I...
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Screenname: wickdflip
Don't bother leaving comments, I...
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I'm back from a week of job training in Connecticut. Man, that place is fucking brutally boring. I'm glad to be back though. The gal I'm seeing had gone to California for 5 days and she came back the day after I left, so it was kind of crappy timing. But the night I got back, we huddled close and watch House M.D. Season 3...
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I fucking LOVE House.
It's way less sad to have the record player hooked up but on the floor than not hooked up because you're waiting for a shelf. 

I am all moved into my new place now. I like this apartment better than my old one. It's only 20 square feet smaller but it seems to have more room. I'm surrounded by boxes that I don't feel like putting away because of being sore from all the moving Friday and Saturday.
I can't wait to buy the shelf for my records and get...
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I can't wait to buy the shelf for my records and get...
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I don't know if this will help you at all, but I'll put this out there. My last boyfriend was technically married up until about a year before we split up. We dated for almost four years. Just to give you a little prospective. Just be up front and you should be fine.
How are you doing?
I actually just moved myself. Spent all of sunday scrubbing and moving the last bits of things. I know I need to! I had a shoot and I'm hoping to get some copies of some of the pictures to put in the update, if not I've got plenty of other juice and stories so there should be one soon. Glad to hear you're alright.
So it's been awhile people. I'm not going to lie, I had been busy focusing elsewhere lately. Turns out that it was a fruitless effort seeing as what I didn't want to happen is happening as we speak.
After taking Sassie back after what she did to me, it happened again. I thought things were getting better but apparently they were not.
So as you...
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After taking Sassie back after what she did to me, it happened again. I thought things were getting better but apparently they were not.
So as you...
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Love sucks. I'm sorry you're going through this. It hate to see deceitfulness. There really isn't much I dislike more then a dishonest person... except for maybe a loved one dying. So that's a lot. I really really really really hate peas, but I still dislike lies way more.
Good luck man, you'll be better for it. Just remember the old mantra... fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. Learn from your mistakes and move forward. Good luck.
Good luck man, you'll be better for it. Just remember the old mantra... fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. Learn from your mistakes and move forward. Good luck.
i demand more left4dead!
expert?! your fucking crazy!
but i'm done. just let me know when
but i'm done. just let me know when
I've never got drunk to the point of throwing up. But last night, instead of watching the ball drop, I watched myself spew my dinner from 4 hours earlier into the toilet. Wonderful. I had a headache for a little, but I'm good now. Weird.
All I can say is that my drinking game was a huge success. Metalocalypse Season 2, drink every time someone...
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me you and you sexy lady need to hangout!
friday night lets all go out
I just got done watching Thrice live at the House of Blues on DVD. It's amazing. Watch it, you won't be disappointed.
I haven't blogged lately. I've been trying to keep myself busy. Sassie is working a lot... tis the season. I miss her.
When I went outside to take trash out and have a smoke, 2 Mormons came out of our apartment building, I...
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I haven't blogged lately. I've been trying to keep myself busy. Sassie is working a lot... tis the season. I miss her.
When I went outside to take trash out and have a smoke, 2 Mormons came out of our apartment building, I...
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Hi there, just stumbled into your blog via a link from Sassies. I happen to live with (or nearly so) two bipolar people--my nephew and my M-I-L, who (now was, as she died recently) also a psychiatrist, which meant that she could self-medicate. I just want to give you an 'attaboy' for trying to stay in the train. It's a scary ride at times, and frustrating when the person neither remembers nor is willing to own their actions--and even when you know it's true that they don't totally remember or relate to themselves, sometimes knowledge isn't enough to carry us forward. I bet I'm not saying anything you don't know, but I just wanted to, perhaps, say these things to myself. both my own marriage and my sister's are quite precarious because of this factor in our lives, and there are surely times when the sheer volatility of the unknown is unthinkable. well, that's all not a very cheery Merry Christmas, but here's hoping that Christmas is indeed merry, and that the coming year(s) are MUCH smoother ones.
Miss ya dude!!
So Christmas shopping has been going well. I got everything I'm getting for Sassie and a few things for my parents. I just got a little more to go and I'm done.
Other than that, nothing really spectacular going on.
So a bit ago, I replaced my 30GB iPod with a 160GB version. This iPod seems to be way more intelligent with all songs on...
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Other than that, nothing really spectacular going on.
So a bit ago, I replaced my 30GB iPod with a 160GB version. This iPod seems to be way more intelligent with all songs on...
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I'm jealous. I so need to replace my old 30g as well.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Man oh man, I haven't updated this bad boy in a bit. Not a lot has been going on, I guess. Sassie and I are still working things out pretty well. It's almost like nothing happened (in a good way, not a bad way).
She posted some pictures a bit ago from our nice day trip to Maryland. It was nice to spend...
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Man oh man, I haven't updated this bad boy in a bit. Not a lot has been going on, I guess. Sassie and I are still working things out pretty well. It's almost like nothing happened (in a good way, not a bad way).
She posted some pictures a bit ago from our nice day trip to Maryland. It was nice to spend...
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I'm really happy for you guys. I didn't even realize you'd gotten back together!
we should all get together and have a wii-athon!
So, I've got a 3-day weekend ahead of me. And it's going to be busy busy busy until I wake up Saturday afternoon.
Gear of War 2 is being released tonight at midnight, and like a big fucking nerd, I'm gonna go wait in line and get it. Then proceed to play it til probably 6 AM or until I pass out from sleep deprivation,...
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Gear of War 2 is being released tonight at midnight, and like a big fucking nerd, I'm gonna go wait in line and get it. Then proceed to play it til probably 6 AM or until I pass out from sleep deprivation,...
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I can't tell you how happy I am that you two are back together

Seitan is pretty decent, even to meet eaters. At my graduation party one of my best friends made this big seitan parents were telling me how wonderful the meat was, I was like "Guys, that's not meat!" They were flabbergasted. So if you ever find yourself on a vegan island. Order seitan.
Happy birthday.