Well its wednesday night and my parents are getting back into town tomorrow night. All week while Ive been housesitting, Ive left the house once. Man can I really be that lame... Its not like I WANTED to stay in. I wanted to go out and have a couple of drinks...but noone to go out with. I was supposed to see TOOL last night, but...
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fucking hell, man. I didin't recognise you from your profile pic. Katy and I were sitting, literally ten feet from you for the better part of an hour. gah. we'll have to get this right next weekend. seriously.

did anyone else besides the three of us show up at Casino??

ok man,this is what i heard.....
Well today is monday, so that sucks right there. No combine that with the fact that my HORNS lost for the 1st time in 22 games this weekend and this makes the worst monday in the history of mankind..oh I forgot..its also the 5th anniversary of 9/11. No monday will ever come close to the suckiness that is this monday. Oh well what can yu...
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I wish that every time I mention to people here that I'm from California, the USC loss wouldn't be thrown in my face.

.. and I don't even follow football.
Well my weekend just took a turn for the awesome. I was originally planning to stay in town tonight, Im in San Antonio, and head to Austin tomorrow. I just got a call from my friend telling me that they were having a bbq tonight along with a band. Instaed of going tomorrow, Ill be heading up there a day early. It seems that they...
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There's something about my mom's house that just gets me so bored outta my mind it makes me freakin nuts. Like I dont know what to do with myself. I have no idea why this happens here. I never feel that way at my dads house. I have the same things at both houses. I have a PS2, a computer, TV. I have everything to...
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Well its Wednesday and Im here doin nuthin but looking for a freakin job as usual. Its starting to feel like Ill never get another job. Ive had interviews but nothin has come out of them. I need a job so I can get the hell out of San Antonio and back to Austin where I belong. I ned a place of my own. Liing...
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