Think of 16 albums (16? That's random), CDs, LPs (if you're over 35 (Hey!)) that had such a profound effect on you they changed your life. Dug into your soul. Music that brought you to life when you heard it. Royally affected you, kicked you in the wasu (the what?), literally socked you in the gut, is what I mean. Then when you finish, tag 16 others (or not), including moi. Make sure you copy and paste this part so they know the drill (because clearly nobody's ever suggested anything like this tagging thing before). Get the idea now? Good. Tag, you're it! (Or not.)
1.) Senses Fail - Still Searching (Crissis of Faith, Depression... really heavy themes... helps me with even the worst of days)
2.) Senses Fail - Life Is Not A Waiting Room (Depression, Rough Childhood, Loosing a loved one... once again helps with the worst of days)
3.) The Used - In Love and Death (Just reminds me of better days)
4.) Silverstein - When Broken Is Easily Fixed (Hurtting so much that you just want to scream at the top of your lungs)
5.) Evergreen Terrace - Wolfbiker (Strength, Stand up in what you beleve, and never back down)
6.) H.I.M. - Razorblade Romance (Absolutely heartbreaking love and metal can go together)
7.) The Human Abstract - Midheaven (Just an absolute rollercoater musically and emotionally)
8.) Funeral For A Friend - Cassually Dressed and Deep In Conversation (Proving Brits can still rock out)
9.) Atreyu - The Curse (Passionate, Heavy, Awsome screaming, and awsome guitar work)
10.) Stained - Tormented (Pure anger, so sad they wimpped out)
11.) O.A.R. - Stories Of A Stranger (Just good chillin music)
12.) Joe Bonamassa - Sloe Gin (Showed me that good blues didn't die)
13.) Swollen Members - Heavy (D&D and Hip Hop? and one is canadian!!!)
14.) Mike Ness - Cheating At Solitare (Proving there is life after being in one of the biggest acts in punk rock history)
15.) Stephen Lynch - The Craig Machine (How couldn't I love it since my name is in the title, and he is one funny mofo)
16.) Legion Of Doom - Incorporated (pitting some of the greatest "Scene" bands against one another... absolutely amazing)
1.) Senses Fail - Still Searching (Crissis of Faith, Depression... really heavy themes... helps me with even the worst of days)
2.) Senses Fail - Life Is Not A Waiting Room (Depression, Rough Childhood, Loosing a loved one... once again helps with the worst of days)
3.) The Used - In Love and Death (Just reminds me of better days)
4.) Silverstein - When Broken Is Easily Fixed (Hurtting so much that you just want to scream at the top of your lungs)
5.) Evergreen Terrace - Wolfbiker (Strength, Stand up in what you beleve, and never back down)
6.) H.I.M. - Razorblade Romance (Absolutely heartbreaking love and metal can go together)
7.) The Human Abstract - Midheaven (Just an absolute rollercoater musically and emotionally)
8.) Funeral For A Friend - Cassually Dressed and Deep In Conversation (Proving Brits can still rock out)
9.) Atreyu - The Curse (Passionate, Heavy, Awsome screaming, and awsome guitar work)
10.) Stained - Tormented (Pure anger, so sad they wimpped out)
11.) O.A.R. - Stories Of A Stranger (Just good chillin music)
12.) Joe Bonamassa - Sloe Gin (Showed me that good blues didn't die)
13.) Swollen Members - Heavy (D&D and Hip Hop? and one is canadian!!!)
14.) Mike Ness - Cheating At Solitare (Proving there is life after being in one of the biggest acts in punk rock history)
15.) Stephen Lynch - The Craig Machine (How couldn't I love it since my name is in the title, and he is one funny mofo)
16.) Legion Of Doom - Incorporated (pitting some of the greatest "Scene" bands against one another... absolutely amazing)
Senses Fail - Still Searching
Silverstein - When Broken Is Easily Fixed
WOW! i loved it!