I have a stinking cold frown and it has just struck home that I have exams in two weeks time but then I have two weeks off. Wow, that's come round quick.
and i agree- sleeping in the nude is the only way!!!

feel better soon!
I realised today that I really need to plan some sort of travelling in my near future. I have an urge to be moving again and seeing something somewhere new. I have no ideas yet but think I'll either go at the end of May for a week ahead of my final exams for this year or I will go immediately afterwards. I guess I...
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hahah silly you!!

me too- i wanna go somewhere HOT!
wink free vacations are the best!

well most of the streets have no more snow!!!
A strange week and a bit, snowed in on Monday and looks like we could be facing flooding over the weekend if all the snow melts and we get the rain they're promising. One week left to half term, this college malarky is a piece of piss ... maybe.
smile rain is better than snow!! its still pretty chilli here!! im preying for spring!!!
the deep fryer is doing well!!! i figured out tones of new recipes!!! it was brand new when we got it!!! it was a wedding gift in the 70s that was never used!!
Second series of Flight of the Conchords, second episode the other night. I think it could be the funniest episode so far for FOTC.

oh it is MY pleasure!

and thank you very much for the compliment blush

i LOVE Flight of the Concords!!

I need to get the boxset!
Started BJJ lessons this week, one on Monday and one last night. Once my body can take it I'll be attending Mon - Thurs and will chuck in some judo and kickboxing. I wasn't sure what to expect in terms of wear on my body but my legs are really shot which suprised me. My upper body's fine, maybe the fast pullups and pressups have...
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Whats BJJ? Like fencing?
I get bruised really easily, I'd probably be covered in them!
Had my interview today and got an overall mark for my first module of 86% which is a good start to the course but I've had to take Chemistry for my elective ...... which sucks baboons ass. ooo aaa So, not only do I need to spend my Xmas break revising Biology I also need to try and learn the Chemistry I steadfastly refused to learn this...
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Happy Holidays! kiss

Lets hope not!
First term is over .... sort of. I have my progress interview next week which is scheduled for 5 minutes, so I'm guessing there won't be much said. I assume I will get told how I've done on the first module (I expect something like an 80% pass mark) and get asked what elective I want for my 2nd & 3rd terms. I was going...
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K.Y.O.G.T. .... Kick Your Own Dog Turd? What are we to make of that and its reflection on the current state of the world?
I've started back at school following half term and I'm suprised to say that I'm not now looking forward to the Xmas break. 4 weeks out of my new learning environment is going to feel like forever and it may be tough getting back into the swing of things when I return in January .... or maybe I'll miss it so much I'll be raring...
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I do enjoy the travel. Just as you, I realize I have spent equal if not more time traveling. Often I go an hour plus to get to a gig and travel another hour to get to the next. I often feel like I am living underground in the subway system of NYC.

As for the quality of pictures, it really depends on the photographer. Definitely, I would say if I am enjoying myself, the pictures reflect this, but even if I am tired or out of sorts, the pictures usually turn out well just the same because much like acting, I can usually separate my personal sentiments from the picture. (Example being the close-up shot you see in blog in which you commented. It was near the end of the shoot and I was really, REALLY cold at that point but you would never know from the picture.)
helloooooooo honey???biggrin

how are you????
My latest indulgence and reward for spending a fistful of cash getting moved into my new abode is building myself a 92" fixed projector screen and buying a cheap 720P projector. Has taken a couple or three weeks to get it set up and getting my surround sound sorted but I am finally there and it is just one great big biggrin I haven't played COD4...
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Sounds awesome, I want one!! I demand pictures. I need a better televisual set up I won a Sony Bravia in a design competition, very good but a bit on the small side I just need to sit closer to it tongue

Ben didn't dive at his best but the judging was a bit dodgy, came 7' in the synchro should have 4th really, but hey making it to the Olympics ain't bad, v proud.

I'd say it was impossible to ignore the build up to The Dark Knight. It always puts me off when films are over-hyped, I feel like I've seen the film already. In this case it was deserved, excellent film and Heath Leger was superb.

I haven't booked a consultation yet, not sure wether to go with Siara of Jeff at Evil from the Neadle. My bf is getting his sleeve done at Evil so I see how that turns out. I'll put my design up when I get round to writting a blog.

It looks fantastic and pretty damn huge! Amazing for the price, I'll definitely look into getting a projector.

Jeff happened to be in when I visited Evil from the needle so I had a short chat with him, I guess that would count as a consultation but I think the design is closer to siaras work.

I wasn't aware of the young persons thing, they keep that quiet but yes you should be exempt from counsil tax or at least entitled to a sizable reduction.
The Dark Knight, best film of the year. Stellar from Ledger, finally got rid of the bad taste in my mouth that was Nicholson's Joker.
Thanks! Actually, the professional art modeling world isn't too bad. A little slow since it is the summer.
I still need to see that film, I loved the first one.

I saw some beautiful Crivelli paintings in the national Gallery, inspiring I loved Annunciation with St. Emidius.

Clinical trial trials are fun, I've done a couple of psychological ones. I'm looking for some more actually, where did you find yours?
Do you ever vote 'Not for me' for sets? I don't think that I've ever done that. I either drop a positive comment or nothing. Are the negatives tabulated somewhere? What significance is placed on them? Some sets I just don't see what's particularly SG about them.
I don't know can you ever be gruntled as opposed to disgruntled, these are life's important questions.

You've gotta love London living! I also have a lovely studio flat wink actually it's damn near spacious compared to the others I viewed.
I'm taking a trip to the family buisness at the weekend so I'll find out then, I suspect it will be a long wait but I really don't mind. I see you're on Mo's gallery, I'll put a pic up of my design when it get time.

Good news about uni, it seem's a lot of people I know are going back into education at the moment.
I've applied for an open university degree in Psychology, just sorting out finanaces at the moment so hopefully thal'll all work and I can get started in October.

The picture was taken kind of mid fringe fallout, I frazzled it and it's been falling out in increments.... whatever it'll grow back tongue
My boyfriend's little brother is doing some sports related degree (he's diving for england in Beijing!) and I was surprised by the psychology content of his course. I wasn't aware that the good positions go to doctors but it makes sense really. I'm not sure if I want to do anything with it, criminology has always sounded interesting ....in any case it'll stop my brain from atrophying tongue