I appear to be adapting an old lifestyle I'd forgotten I'd once lived. That of the wandering bum.
I've been staying at a friend's house lately, catching rides here and there with passer-bys in effort to simply not be in one spot for too long. Living on little to no money is actually not as difficult as it sounds, so long as you have a fair meal once in awhile. My fortune affords me this through friends who don't mind me making what I might call a warrior class PB & J once in awhile.
I forgot to mention in my last post that I have taken on a bit of a green thumb this year. My friend has a wonderful house, which I will refer to from now on as The Sanctuary, at which I can be seen frequently grooming then indulging in a fresh bag of weed. The seeds, as a sort of joke, went into a flower pot in which nothing else was planted. I've had little success in getting them to sprout when I was trying to grow once, but apparently all you have to do is leave them alone and let Mama Nature take over. I've got a strong, healthy plant coming up pretty fast...though special precautions have had to be taken due to birds nipping at it's leaves.
After the appearance of this wonderful surprise, the boys in the rest of the house rallied a garden together. The plants include a grape vine, peanuts (hooray Jimmy Carter!) various individuals from the tomato family, and a raspberry bush. So far so good, though the grape vine is being rather stubborn.
I've been staying at a friend's house lately, catching rides here and there with passer-bys in effort to simply not be in one spot for too long. Living on little to no money is actually not as difficult as it sounds, so long as you have a fair meal once in awhile. My fortune affords me this through friends who don't mind me making what I might call a warrior class PB & J once in awhile.
I forgot to mention in my last post that I have taken on a bit of a green thumb this year. My friend has a wonderful house, which I will refer to from now on as The Sanctuary, at which I can be seen frequently grooming then indulging in a fresh bag of weed. The seeds, as a sort of joke, went into a flower pot in which nothing else was planted. I've had little success in getting them to sprout when I was trying to grow once, but apparently all you have to do is leave them alone and let Mama Nature take over. I've got a strong, healthy plant coming up pretty fast...though special precautions have had to be taken due to birds nipping at it's leaves.
After the appearance of this wonderful surprise, the boys in the rest of the house rallied a garden together. The plants include a grape vine, peanuts (hooray Jimmy Carter!) various individuals from the tomato family, and a raspberry bush. So far so good, though the grape vine is being rather stubborn.