This just might come back to be a refular thing...
Marvelous weather we're having, eh chaps? I can't wait to go disc golfing again. Maybe even real golfing, who knows. As long as it's not a sport I have to put too much effort into, I can generally enjoy it. I just like to be outside. Secretly, though, my dream would be an outdoor bowling alley. C'mon, you cannot deny the swelling amounts of kick-assness in that concept.
I need to move around a bit. Staying awake is becoming a more distant option with each passing hour I spend on the computer. Laundry day.
What's on your mind?
Marvelous weather we're having, eh chaps? I can't wait to go disc golfing again. Maybe even real golfing, who knows. As long as it's not a sport I have to put too much effort into, I can generally enjoy it. I just like to be outside. Secretly, though, my dream would be an outdoor bowling alley. C'mon, you cannot deny the swelling amounts of kick-assness in that concept.
I need to move around a bit. Staying awake is becoming a more distant option with each passing hour I spend on the computer. Laundry day.
What's on your mind?
Oh, and boobs. They're always on my mind.