got to do yoga with my mom this morning, i miss our gossip sessions around the track at healthpoint. summer was good in that way... its funny how at the time you think life sucks but when you look back on those days you realize how lucky you were. and you remember only the good things mostly. my memories are wierd like that.
whenever i get the least bit unhappy or anxious about my life i automatically go back in my mind to a time i remember as being so much more fun (than it actually ever was). i dunno if i can ever be happy in the moment when it seems im always lost in the past and blindly denying the inevitable future.
like my current relationship. its great 99.999% of the time. but ever since we had that first fight last week, ive been second guessing every single minute of it all. waiting for the other shoe to drop. i never believe things could just simply be good in the here and now. will i ever be able to relax in this life? other than SVU i'm incapable if focusing on anything
whenever i get the least bit unhappy or anxious about my life i automatically go back in my mind to a time i remember as being so much more fun (than it actually ever was). i dunno if i can ever be happy in the moment when it seems im always lost in the past and blindly denying the inevitable future.
like my current relationship. its great 99.999% of the time. but ever since we had that first fight last week, ive been second guessing every single minute of it all. waiting for the other shoe to drop. i never believe things could just simply be good in the here and now. will i ever be able to relax in this life? other than SVU i'm incapable if focusing on anything
I know that relationships are difficult. But not every relationship is 100% perfect. People have quirks and get into arguments. But think about it this way, as long as you can move on and learn from it, your relationship with him will only get stronger.
Good luck with things, and remember to be happy.