Classes have begun. Already I have the "what the fuck am I doing here?" thoughts as I sit in them. GRRRRRRRRR.
Thought I would join in the fun.
1. First concert: Kill Hannah
2. First car: '86 Chevy Celebrity (still going strong)
3. First real kiss: 11
4. First screen name: crispyphil
5. First self purchased album: Beatles - Yellow Submarine
6. First funeral: Clemente, babysitter's husband
7. First pet: Whippets
8. First piercing/tattoos: Not yet
9. First credit card: Visa Check Card
10. First enemy: Gustavo, we had the same crush in kindergarten
11. First big trip: Disney Land or World
12. First music you remember hearing in your house: Regatone
1. Last cigarette: the other night after some summer brew
3. Last kiss: Weeks ago. Her name was Alana. Our only kiss.
4. Last good cry: About a month ago
5. Last library book checked out: Can't remember
6. Last movie seen in theatre: Wedding Crashers
7. Last beverage drank: Dr. Thunder
9. Last crush: Carla.
10. Last phone call: Bethy poo
12. Last shoes worn: Wedding Sandals
13. Last item bought: Wonka Donut
14. Last annoyance: Ink in printer went out
15. Last time wanting to die: Sometime in the teens. Maybe sophomore year
16. Who are your best friends: Joe, Dan, Adam, Brandon, Eric
1. Do you do drugs: a lil bit
2. What kind of shampoo do you use: Fructese
3. What are you most scared of: Everyone turning on me and leaving me alone
4. Where do you want to get married: another planet
5. What are you listening to right now: Alex watching Sin City, but Dirty Little Secret was the last song
6. How many buddies are online: 3
7. What would you change about yourself: my commitment to what I love.
1. Colors: green
2. Foods: Lasagna
3. Girl names: Zelda
4. Boys names:
5. Subject in school: Media Theory
6. Animals: Turtles
7. Sports: Football
8. Perfume: woman
9. Cologne: Old Spice
10. Brunch place: Bongo Room
1. Given anyone a bath: Yes
2. Smoked Cigs: Yep
3. Bungee jumped: No
4. Made yourself throw-up: Yes, only when drunk!
5. Skinny dipped: Yes
6. Been in love: Yes
7. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble: Kind of.
8. Pictured your crush naked: Yeah
9. Seen your crush naked: In the past, yes. Not this one
10. Cried when someone died: Of course
11. Lied: Yes
12. Fallen for someone: Yes
13. Been rejected: Yes
14. Rejected someone: Yes
15. Used someone: probably
16. Done something you regret: Yep.
1. Clothes: APO shirt, standard skinny boy jeans, loafers.
2. Music:
3. Make-up: none.
4. Annoyance: Sweaty, humid living room.
5. Smell: Musty shirt
6. Favorite artist: Kathe Kolwitz
8. Book you're reading: Sorcerer's Handbook
9. Cd in player: Jay Z - Blueprint
1. Understanding: Yes
2. Open-minded: Definitely
3. Arrogant: I am an actor
4. Insecure: Yeah
5. Interesting: meh
6. Hungry: A bit
7. Smart: Sure
9. Hardworking: Nah
10. Organized: nope
11. Healthy: I think, but I'm no doctor
12. Shy: at first
13. Attractive: In a mysterious dorky kind of way
14. Bored easily: A little
15. Responsible: To a degree
16. Obsessed: With Law and Order: SVU
17. Angry: I get the reds sometimes.
18. Sad: Sad is a choice.
19. Disappointed: With somethings
20. Happy: Sometimes
21. Hyper: Not really
23. Talkative: It's says that on all my old report cards.
1. Kill: Nicole Ritchie, or any of those rich bitches
2. Get high with: Robert Plant
3. Talk to offline: dunno
1. In the morning I am: Boner-rific
2. Love is: A cliff that either has a glorioius pool of soft water waiting, or jagged rocks at the bottom.
3. Music is: The culmination of life's energies and vibrations.
Thought I would join in the fun.
1. First concert: Kill Hannah
2. First car: '86 Chevy Celebrity (still going strong)
3. First real kiss: 11
4. First screen name: crispyphil
5. First self purchased album: Beatles - Yellow Submarine
6. First funeral: Clemente, babysitter's husband
7. First pet: Whippets
8. First piercing/tattoos: Not yet
9. First credit card: Visa Check Card
10. First enemy: Gustavo, we had the same crush in kindergarten
11. First big trip: Disney Land or World
12. First music you remember hearing in your house: Regatone
1. Last cigarette: the other night after some summer brew
3. Last kiss: Weeks ago. Her name was Alana. Our only kiss.
4. Last good cry: About a month ago
5. Last library book checked out: Can't remember
6. Last movie seen in theatre: Wedding Crashers
7. Last beverage drank: Dr. Thunder
9. Last crush: Carla.
10. Last phone call: Bethy poo
12. Last shoes worn: Wedding Sandals
13. Last item bought: Wonka Donut
14. Last annoyance: Ink in printer went out
15. Last time wanting to die: Sometime in the teens. Maybe sophomore year
16. Who are your best friends: Joe, Dan, Adam, Brandon, Eric
1. Do you do drugs: a lil bit
2. What kind of shampoo do you use: Fructese
3. What are you most scared of: Everyone turning on me and leaving me alone
4. Where do you want to get married: another planet
5. What are you listening to right now: Alex watching Sin City, but Dirty Little Secret was the last song
6. How many buddies are online: 3
7. What would you change about yourself: my commitment to what I love.
1. Colors: green
2. Foods: Lasagna
3. Girl names: Zelda
4. Boys names:
5. Subject in school: Media Theory
6. Animals: Turtles
7. Sports: Football
8. Perfume: woman
9. Cologne: Old Spice
10. Brunch place: Bongo Room
1. Given anyone a bath: Yes
2. Smoked Cigs: Yep
3. Bungee jumped: No
4. Made yourself throw-up: Yes, only when drunk!
5. Skinny dipped: Yes
6. Been in love: Yes
7. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble: Kind of.
8. Pictured your crush naked: Yeah
9. Seen your crush naked: In the past, yes. Not this one
10. Cried when someone died: Of course
11. Lied: Yes
12. Fallen for someone: Yes
13. Been rejected: Yes
14. Rejected someone: Yes
15. Used someone: probably
16. Done something you regret: Yep.
1. Clothes: APO shirt, standard skinny boy jeans, loafers.
2. Music:
3. Make-up: none.
4. Annoyance: Sweaty, humid living room.
5. Smell: Musty shirt
6. Favorite artist: Kathe Kolwitz
8. Book you're reading: Sorcerer's Handbook
9. Cd in player: Jay Z - Blueprint
1. Understanding: Yes
2. Open-minded: Definitely
3. Arrogant: I am an actor
4. Insecure: Yeah
5. Interesting: meh
6. Hungry: A bit
7. Smart: Sure
9. Hardworking: Nah
10. Organized: nope
11. Healthy: I think, but I'm no doctor
12. Shy: at first
13. Attractive: In a mysterious dorky kind of way
14. Bored easily: A little
15. Responsible: To a degree
16. Obsessed: With Law and Order: SVU
17. Angry: I get the reds sometimes.
18. Sad: Sad is a choice.
19. Disappointed: With somethings
20. Happy: Sometimes
21. Hyper: Not really
23. Talkative: It's says that on all my old report cards.
1. Kill: Nicole Ritchie, or any of those rich bitches
2. Get high with: Robert Plant
3. Talk to offline: dunno
1. In the morning I am: Boner-rific
2. Love is: A cliff that either has a glorioius pool of soft water waiting, or jagged rocks at the bottom.
3. Music is: The culmination of life's energies and vibrations.
this is some interesting stuff. I got a kick out of your answer for arrogant.