I just saw Batman. Wow. Fucking amazing. No words can really tell you. I saw it with another Batman fan (as in comic, though I don't keep up with it at all, I just read the important comics like Kingdom Come and Year One, plus I watched every episode of the 60's Batman and the animated series) and we both loved it. And two other friends who don't understand Bat-lore saw, and they didn't like it. I don't get it. The Bat-fans would be more critical, and we thought it lived up to the high expectations. While people who had no preconceived ideas thought it wasn't good. In the wise words of Homer J. Simpson: Everyone is crazy but me.

and shit i cant believe i forgot gary oldman. yeah, i agree he shouldve been a bit more strong of a character, but he was great, and phsyically looked just as i wouldve pictured jim gordon.