The Flyers won comfortably.
Life is good for another couple of days.
Even though a bunch of people went out to watch the game, I chose to stay home and watch it myself.
I caught a little flack from that. What the fuck should they care that I'd rather actually watch the game than be drinking/bullshitting/whatnot while the game goes unwatched on the TV in the corner?
They didn't give me too much shit about it, but I did take my fair share. I guess they had to, but they should know me better by now ... I do what I want, and not what they want me to do.
Just got through watching tonight's episode of '24' on tape. Wow ... it continues to be the best show on TV. Yes, some aspects of tonight's episode were rather far-fetched (Jack going from dead to super spy in thirty minutes; Yusef surviving long enough to give Jack the info ... and then he immediately dies), some of the other stuff was just brilliant.
'24' reminds me of the summer that Stephen King serialized 'The Green Mile'. The drama is given to you in small doses over a regulated period of time.
You get it, you devour it, and you immediately crave the next dose.
I hooked my mom onto 'The Green Mile' around book four. She read the four of them in like a day and a half, and I welcomed her to hell ... waiting another month to find out what happens next.
Good stuff.
boil some water in a pot about halfway through making your saute, when it reaches a rolloing boil put your pasta in and cook to whatever tenderness you like. drain the pasta, but do not for the love of god rinse it. you will need the extra starch left on the noodles to make any kind of suace stick( I never rinse pasta ever)put the pasta back in the pot, and combine the saute with the pasta in the pot. mix thouroughly while still hot. add some freshly grated parmesan and youve got a pretty tasy meal, that is also well balanced.....
It's pretty rich though.... I would recommend serving this with a salad ... It'll help you with digestion..... It does me, anyway...... let me know if you try this or not.........