My sleep schedule is once again completely out of whack ... I'm sitting here now at 9:45 in the morning having been awake since about 4:30 yesterday afternoon. I had hoped to catch at least a few hours sleep, but I guess it wasn't meant to be.

I just had another resume submitted for a pretty decent-sounding job in the city. I hope it comes...
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don't be silly , you weren't being rude or anything!wink
heh my sleep schedule has me going to bed at 3-4 a.m. then waking up at around 11-12...which is fine and dandy except on tuesdays and thursdays i have a class at 8 a.m...not very fun
If it snows for six hours, yet nothing accumulates ... did it really snow?
And if a tree falls in the forest......

I still haven't heard from the powers that be about the baseball group. I just reapplied, so maybe it will happen this time.
now, just email me your address and I'll send you your prize!
It's amazing how sometimes Saturday night seamlessly blends into Sunday morning.

It's 8am ... should I sleep or should I go grocery shopping?


Today was a really good day ... I can't believe it's 4:30 in the morning already. How the hell did that happen?

I've got to go write a bunch of checks to pay some overdue bills now.

Oh yeah, I'm drunk and I like chicken.
Heh .. I just opened my BP Oil/Amoco gas card bill ... I've apparently overpaid by $138. Woo-hoo!! Free gasoline!!!

*we now return to our regular programming*

[Edited on Feb 09, 2003]
It's getting nasty out there ...

Just got home - my friends fucked me. That might be too harsh ... if I wasn't driving, I would've wanted to stay, too, but ... I was driving and I wanted to get home safely, so I left without them.

Maybe I fucked them ...

Of course I got lost on the way home (sadly, I was...
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I was just looking at the Phillies roster....who's on second? Is that why they signed Polanco?
Polanco is decent....is he going to lead off too?

I have not heard anything about the group yet, I applied Monday night, if I don't hear anything by the end of the weekend I will ask about it, but I don't want to be pushy since they probably get a lot of requests.
Why is it so damn hot in here? My heat has been off for almost two whole days and it's still like 75 degrees in here ... it's only 25 outside. This is just wrong.
RE: RE: my journal

hee hee, you just had "yeah ..it is" and i was agreeing that yes, indeed, it was smile

hee hee my heat upstairs hasn't worked right since we build the damn house...its only working if somebody's up there...when nobodys in the room its like 50 degrees in the winter...but when someones in the room the heat kicks in and goes to about 70
I don't know why, exactly, but this is where my brain has gone.

April 28, 2000.

My brother - asshole that he is, tried to make all funny during my father's funeral ... yes, during his funeral.

A trash truck pulled in front of the funeral home the day of my dad's memorial service. My brother (always the comedian!) proclaimed - to all of the...
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Common sense doesn't seem very common anymore.
Nothing wrong with liking the Phillies.....Thome should fucking light up the NL this year and if they have him hit behind Burrell, watch out. I just don't know who they will have protecting Thome in the lineup unless they bat him ahead of Burrell. Then again, I don't know that he needs protection, he amuses me because he is always at the top of the league in BB and K's.
I have been doing homework all day, so I forgot about applying for it. I am about to head to bed, but I will do it tomorrow. Any ideas for a logo for the group? If you do can you size it and mail it to me, I don't have any photshop programs or anything. (my e-mail is spinoza137@yahoo.com or you could just use the contct button) Or, if you feel like just starting the group, go for it. I will take care of starting it tomorrow night if no on else has by then.

Personally, I would go Abreu, Thome, Burrell, Leiberthal. Abreu should be stealing more and Thome is ridiculously patient and has no qualms about batting with 2 strikes on him. With the numbers that Burrell put up last year I think he can intimidate people enough to get Thome at least one pitch to hit per AB. The problem I see is with their 1,2,7 & 8 hitters....they better hope for some serious production out of the middle.
I give up.
I'm sorry I didn't mean it..It's just my work...AND WHY CAN'T YOU JUST DO WHAT I SAY!!!!STOP MAKING ME HURT YOU!!!!
My name originates from a buddy of mine who was an anarchist before he realized money is a nice thing to have. So it's one part anarki and one part his first name.

I had totally forgot about the wonder twins. hehe you are too funny!

Form of an ice cube.... shape of a beer mug!