So that’s it all over, six years of trudging through mud, weeks of sleep deprivation 3am starts 5am finishes, made a ton of friends for life, my brothers from the night’s watch, will always be my true brothers.... no spoilers here for those that have not seen the final episode.. didn’t get a ton of screen time this season, and was a little disappointed in some of the episodes, but I’m interested to hear what everyone else thought of the show and also if you are just fans of the program or if you have read the books as well.. here’s to the end of a part of my life that will always bring a smile to my face and warm my heart with the fond memories I will always carry with me... now I just patiently await the call for the prequels.. excluded here are shots of me in season eight I have many shots of me in previous seasons here and on my ig account and there is also a video of me covering Jenny of old stones from the show here and on YouTube if you would like to subscribe and leave a comment xx