So for the past few weeks I have been working in access of 65hrs a week and even on the rare occasion that I had a little time of my phone was constantly ringing, and I would have to sort out what ever problem had came up.... so the weekend arrived my first weekend of in almost 8 weeks and it was time to have some fun... the plan was round to my friend Stephanies house as it was her birthday few drinks something to eat and then hit the town to meet up with some of the other game of thrones extras that had organized a night out... so we would hang with them for a while before splitting of and meeting up with others that where coming out for Stephanies birthday... needless to say I was tired and stressed and really needed a good night out... and I wasn't disappointed, Mr Jack Daniels, lots of beer and cocktails made for a great night I don't even remember half of these photos being taken lol... hope you all had a great weekend xx