Ok, so even though school is going on right now and I have no time for play. I mean it's frustrating how much stuff I need to accomplish in a month, all in the name of education. Because I am an education major I have all of these really high and really tiny hoops to jump through. I have a group project due in a couple weeks, I have about 5 art projects going on, about 3 research papers to write and I have to do observations in an Elementary school, interview a student and write a research paper on that. I am about 2 clicks away from shooting myself. But, oh ya there is a but. The 2008 Cubbies are just about to clinch going to the playoffs and they are a half of a game off from being the best team in baseball. This is a cause for rejoicing. And even though I have all of this work to do, I still found time to go to the game yesterday and see Soto (rookie of the year) hit a game tying 3 run homer in the 9th inning. It was unbelievable. The stadium practically blew up.

So even though I am going through probably one of the hardest semesters of my life, the cubs are best team in baseball and I have to go to more games, I'm going to Milwaukee to see them next week for the last game of the year. This is history in the making folks. The stars are aligning. Mr. Zambrano pitched a no-hitter last week. I have never watched it happen before. This is our year.

So when the cubs win the series Chicago is going to spontaneously combust, and if not all of Chicago, atleast Wrigleyville and thats where I work. So If I'm not around anymore in a month or so, just know that I died a happy man.

Thank you so much for you lovely words on Lascivious Mail