I had my tattoo worked on today! It probably needs only one more session. My leg was spasming like crazy!
@penny @lust @missy @cheshire_
I had my tattoo worked on today! It probably needs only one more session. My leg was spasming like crazy!
@penny @lust @missy @cheshire_
This is Bug. She was the family dog that my family and I raised since she was a puppy! I would really like to get this portrait of her tattoed on my calf. She was such a sweet dog! I miss her. She lived a good long and I would like to think a happy life.
@penny @missy @lust
Thank you to the sweet, lovely, and beautiful babes @cheshire_ and @juliju for thinking of me. Here's to @WEEDFARMER for taking the time to create this quizz so we can get to know more about people here. You're keeping us together!
1. How was your Thanksgiving and what are you thankful for? It was nice. I spent it with my dad for the first time...
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@penny @missy @eirenne @lust @shane
Use the first letter of your Username to answer these:
1. A Type of Candy - Caramel apple lollipop
2. A Song - Candyman ~ Primus
3. A Football Team - Chiefs
4. A Tailgate Food - Chicken wings
5. A City - Charlotte
6. A Colour - chartreuse
7. A Movie - Clockwwork Orange
8. A Camping Item - Chocolate
9. Something to Wear...
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@eirenne @penny @missy @lust
As continued from wheere I left off of Part 1: Here we go!
@livay + @mhere
@skella + @saria
@sophiestonem + @core
I'm looking forward to the next 20+ years of beautiful photos!