I stole this off of the very sexy @vinzolando's page.
Tattoos........................4 (not nearly enough!)
Piercings..................... 3 (my ears and that thing in my neck)
Marriages.................... 0
Divorces...................... 0
Proposals.................... 0
Children....................... 0
Surgeries..................... Too many to count
Shot a gun................... No
Quit a job..................... Yes
100+miles in a car...... No
Hit a deer.................... No
zip lining...................... Yes, I was injured in a horrible zip lining accident.
Cried over someone.... yes and he was a total asshole. Not worth it
Fallen in love............... yes
Watched someone give birth... no
Watched someone die..... no
Been to Canada......... no
Ridden in an ambulance..... Yes
Visited Las Vegas....... no
Sang karaoke............. no
Been downhill skiing....... yes, I was injured in a horrible downhill skiing accident.
Ridden on a horse....... yes
Stayed in a hospital..... I have a key
Donated blood............. I haven't tried, but they probably wouldn't let me. My circulation sucks.
Ridden in the back of a police car...... no (the only one in my immediate family that can say that)
I know most of you have probably done this so just think of it as my way of saying you're awesome because you are!
@babyrae @coykitten @msutopia @cheshire_ @badabigail @midnight @amoxi @diddy_dave_uk @big_n3rd @fluffrowe @burden_in_my_hand
@fullfeeling Ha That's a good one! Wish I had thought of that one.