I went out to a party tonight, and when I got home there was an email waiting for me from SG. It said I'd passed the first part of the application process, and that I evidently looked perfect for their site. (I certainly don't know about perfect, but nice ego boost
) But they need copies of some tax forms and my ID, and a couple other things, and they need me to do a set. I think this is just what they send to everyone, or to the girls who MIGHT be good as SGs, just as a preliminary, but I'm not sure... Anyway, I'm going to fill it out after work when I don't have to GO TO SLEEP! >.< And then obviously I have to figure out how I'm going to do a set. I was going to have the hubby do it, but I'm a little nervous about that.... He's not a photographer, so I don't know how good they would come out. I'm not knocking him; I love him to death. But I want them to come out good, and I'm a MAJOR perfectionist when it comes to art. o.o HALP!
you're wonderful for the part and i'd love to dance with you
so i have a great idea for the set im going to do... im going to do more than one so i can ask you guys for feedback though. but yeah, im gonna do a kind of "when life gives you lemons" theme...
it kinda came from an idea of sitting in a pile of lemons to smashing a lemon with my demolition hammer <3 to standing there naked holding a lemon meringue pie.