Yesterday, I burned a fuse !
I had my autumnal paranoiac depressive crisis. But it's over now !
I apologize to people I removed from my friends' list, I'll try to refind them all. And I thank the over ones who guessed that everything wasn't right for me ...
I had my autumnal paranoiac depressive crisis. But it's over now !
I apologize to people I removed from my friends' list, I'll try to refind them all. And I thank the over ones who guessed that everything wasn't right for me ...
MarlaStrange et moi venions de Strasbourg
Cela dit, y'a aussi de la bire Strasbourg
[Edited on Sep 26, 2005 8:48PM]
le jour o a va tre pour de vrai, je plains le mec qui aura faire moi en temps que secouriste
bon, l'automne passe un peu ???
si a va pas, t'appelle docteur Chatonne