Some pictures I made thursday night :
Nuit flamande 01 : "Yourcenar park 01"
Nuit flamande 02 : "Yourcenar park 02"
Nuit flamande 03 : One moment I believed that I would see some pretty brunette surviving from a car crash coming from dark ...
Nuit flamande 04.
I'm enjoying my new camera, but now I would like to place some human beings in front of it !
A very intimate stuff : I miss my sweet colleague Isabelle. She's already on vacation, with her boyfriend . I have a strange melancholic feeling : I believe that my crush about her is a little quite more serious than I thought since few weeks. But I know there isn't any reciprocity, so I have to calm myself down : she is far from my eyes, I know she'll be far from my heart at the end ...
Nuit flamande 01 : "Yourcenar park 01"
Nuit flamande 02 : "Yourcenar park 02"
Nuit flamande 03 : One moment I believed that I would see some pretty brunette surviving from a car crash coming from dark ...
Nuit flamande 04.
I'm enjoying my new camera, but now I would like to place some human beings in front of it !
A very intimate stuff : I miss my sweet colleague Isabelle. She's already on vacation, with her boyfriend . I have a strange melancholic feeling : I believe that my crush about her is a little quite more serious than I thought since few weeks. But I know there isn't any reciprocity, so I have to calm myself down : she is far from my eyes, I know she'll be far from my heart at the end ...
j'ai fait quelques fotos (dans mon journal du 27 je crois).
je trouve ces photos vraiment sans intrets et sans personnalit.
en fait elles sont vraiment loin de moi et mme si c'est moi dessus, ce n'est pas du tout ma personnalit qui ressort.
ce sont les fotos de monsieur et madame tout le monde, c'est a qui m'embte. aucune originalit.
mais bon, il n'y a plus de brt. c'est a que je voulais te faire voir
c'en est trs loin, l'oppos mme.
les fotos de mon set sont des vrai fotos, avec lumire, ombre, motion, passion, pas des pola comme sur les amricaines